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Calorie Slism

Food nutrition facts and count calories in food

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Food Search Results

Search results for [mushroom]

Enoki Mushrooms Enoki Mushrooms
g 19Cal
Cloud Ear Mushroom Cloud Ear Mushroom
g 2Cal
Dried Shiitake Mushrooms Dried Shiitake Mushrooms
g 4Cal
Oyster Mushrooms Oyster Mushrooms
g 18Cal
Common Mushroom Common Mushroom
1item medium(10g)
g 1Cal
Cloud Ear Fungus Cloud Ear Fungus
g 137Cal
Shiitake Shiitake
3items medium(36g)
g 6Cal
Bunashimeji Bunashimeji
1pack small(90g)
g 16Cal
Shimeji Shimeji
g 42Cal
Nameko Nameko
g 15Cal
Eringi Eringi
g 12Cal
Matsutake Matsutake
1item medium(29g)
g 7Cal
Beef Stroganoff Beef Stroganoff
1 plate(203.4g)
g 277Cal
Sudachi Sudachi
1item fruit(9g)
g 6Cal
Snow Fungus Snow Fungus
g 162Cal
Kuroawabitake Kuroawabitake
g 10Cal
Hatakeshimeji Hatakeshimeji
g 23Cal
Tamogitake Tamogitake
g 16Cal
Pholiota Adiposa Pholiota Adiposa
g 3Cal
Pleurotus Pulmonarius Pleurotus Pulmonarius
g 23Cal

1 - 20 of 52

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Instantly graph essential nutrients and calories

See how your consumption of calories, fat, carbohydrates, and fats make up the daily recommended amounts designed for women between age 18 and 29 of weight 112 pounds according in an easy to understand graph.

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Compare essential vitamins and minerals

Get a detailed overview of essential vitamins and minerals including fatty acid and amino acid composition for food compared against the daily recommend amounts for each category in a plot to confirm whether you are getting enough nutrition in your diet.
Nutrition infomation source: MEXT(Monbukagakusho: Ministry of Japan)

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Exercise required for burning calories

After looking up the calorie intake in your meal get a quick overview of how long you should spend exercise to burn all the calories off. With a list of 12 exercise calorie equivalents grasping how to burn it off has never been this easy.

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On the nutritional information details page you will come across ratings that will save you in your diet such as how filling your foods is along with an across the board nutrition rating on a 10 to 1 scale that keeps on getting better.

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In Calorie Slism you will find more than 1200 different kinds of foods that will keep on growing. Not only will you be able to find nutritional information on common Japanese food recipes, there is also details nutritional information on most recipes, sweats, and processed foods that will never leave you hanging.

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