Make your third date with him count
Sometimes the eagerness of the third date blocks our mind and we can't be relaxed and creative enough and think of some cool ideas to take your date. It's actually more about how to act, than where to go. But, for those ladies who struggle with locations, we have prepared a few tips that make him want to run back to you as well as suit everyone's taste. Though if you are there yet (going on your third date), then here are cute second date ideas that I know you will like.

No matter if you're an outdoor type or an indoor kind of a gal, you can surely find a fun activity to share with your date, and show him how sexy, intelligent and loving you are. Here are some great third date ideas.
Make your third date fun and exciting, by taking him to a place he has never been before
When it comes to dating, guys are under just as much pressure as girls. They too wonder if you will like wherever you take them or if you will be comfortable. Yes, third dates does eliminate the stresses and anxiety that comes with not really knowing the other person but don't be fooled, third dates still will have its hang-ups if you are not careful.
Sometimes it is up to the women to take the lead, and it isn't that easy at all either ways. If you are all out of fresh ideas where to take your potential future partner, here are some suggestions that might come in handy.
1. Talk, talk, talk...
Don't assume that you know all you need to know about your date. This is the most important third date rule. You might know the basics and you might know a few likes and dislikes but still keep your mind open to learn more. Lots more.

And then some more
Yes, you've gotten to know your date for the first two dates quite a bit. But don't assume you've got all your homework done and that you're safe and sound. There is a lot more to be learnt and a lot more getting to know each other conversations to get through. Get ready for some more gab. One great suggestion is to take him to a place where there won't be that many people, or lots of noise that will cause any major distractions such as a play or concert. You need to ensure that the environment is comfortable for the both of you. If you have so far seen a long term partner in him, then you need to find out all that you can about that perspective father of your children. Take our third date advice into consideration, and you won't regret it.
2. Classic outdoor date
If you have both established that you like the outdoors, then go ahead and enjoy it. The birds and the bees, the flowers and nature will surely welcome the company as long as the company is pleasant.

Pack him up and off to the park
Pack a blanket, some food, a board came or even a Frisbee and have some fun. Third date means you might be on your way to a relationship but don't overthink it as you are not quite there yet. That part takes time and patience. Third dates mean you can let your hair down a little and leave behind some of the shyness that existed in the beginning. The mild outdoor exercise itself will boost your adrenalin and make both of you happier and more open for conversation, which is what you really want to achieve; a relaxed atmosphere that puts you both at ease. The third date conversation is extremely important because it can bring you both closer and create a connection which will lead to sparks; this will lay the foundation for follow up dates and even a relationship down the line.
3. Go to a game
You shouldn't have any high third date expectations. You already know the basics about your date so there should be a low risks of surprises. You should plan to have fun, so if you're the kind of woman who loves sports as much as he does, than take it to your advantage.

Heads up and cheer
Take your guy to a ball game, enjoy a couple of hot dogs, peanuts and cheap beers, while the adrenalin and excitement of your team winning knocks you both into each other's arms in a patriotic hug. You might even like different teams, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as the idea here is to have harmless fun and just enjoy each other's company. Who knows where it can take you? Maybe you will get to find out lots more than you had bargained for.
4. Snuggle up and cuddle
Rent a nice movie and soak in the romance
Here, you have all the privacy in the world to ask him any of the third date questions that might be wondering around in your head. You can make him a homemade meal, or just rent a movie you both agree on and snuggle up next to each other on the sofa. It's an intimate atmosphere, so care has to be taken here that things do not get out of hand way too early. The bottom line is to get to know things about the other person. Being an such an intimate environment it might be wise to forget about that chance for a third date kiss you were probably eager to get by keep on a safe path, just snuggle and just talk way into the night.
5. Keep the ball rolling, take him bowling
Fun, creative and competitive is just what you need
Get ready for some of the best third date tips. This is one of them. If you want a super fun date where both of you can test out your skills and show your competitive spirit, bowling is the right activity. Plus, a little competition is always good for spicing things up if you plan on having a relationship, especially if you are on the third date. Who knows how passionate your partner really is about winning or losing? You might even want to invite some of his friends along or your friends to form a team and help engage in a little competition. First dates are to be enjoyed as it is that time prior to starting a relationship where you get plenty room and time to freely express yourself.
6. Wine or beer tasting
Loosen up and have fun
This doesn't mean heading to a bar to get drunk. In fact, try not to get wasted. If you go overboard accidentally get drunk, you might just end up with a serious hangover, lying next to him in bed the next morning, and both of you will probably have no recollection of what happened; this could potentially end something that was destined to be great. The point with this is to go out, find a warm and inviting spot, taste some fine drinks (perhaps a cup of coffee), have a fun chat and see where the conversation takes you. Your partner will be delighted with your taste in fun and original third date ideas, and will surely be seeking you out again.
7. Show off your dancing skills

Sway him with your moves and curves
Dancing can be so much fun and a great activity for your third date. You can have fun under the stars, sway at a salsa joint or just find a spot where there is live music. You can dance the night away, and talk, but best of all, you can see what kind of moves your partner has... On the floor. If you are skillful and know how to seduce a guy with the right moves, then don't think twice, the dance floor is the right place for you. Cuddle up next to him for a slow dance, and enjoy the feel of being in his arms. We can't underestimate the power of romance. And you have all seen what happens in a slow dance scene in the movies.
8. Wake up his taste budes
Visit an interesting restaurant
Don't just go out to the same old restaurant every time. You will both get bored. Make your third date special, if you are really looking for that third date kiss then take him to a place where they serve food in an uncommon way, or even try out some new delicacies that will awaken his adventurous spirit.
9. Go Cycling
Take a bike tour together
There is nothing greater than the wind blowing through your hair and the feeling like you were flying. Unless you have a great partner to enjoy that with of course. If you both can ride a bike then going on a bike tour can be much more fun and exciting than just driving around. Pick a place or even a number of places that you can both stop and enjoy the scenery. Stop at a cafe for lunch or for coffee and make the time memorable. Feel like a tourist for a day even if the environment is familiar.
10. Pack a basket and head out
Go picnicking
Pack a basket filled with yours and his favorite goodies, a blanket, and just find a nice secluded spot. Catching a spot near a lake or river is always a great option but if that is not possible just spreading out your goodie basket on your own lawn or secluded shade can be just as romantic. This kind of ambience will provide the perfect backdrop for sharing special moments that you have both enjoyed or to open to each other about things that have so far been unsaid.
11. Go for a Cause
Volunteer at a shelter or at a place that he gives his service
A third date does not means that is has been set in stone that it absolutely has to be about the two of you. Volunteering or participating in something that either of you is passionate about can build a stronger bond and help you both learn new things about each other. Whether it is tutoring or mentoring children who might not be so privileged, or taking part in a cause, it can help the relationship to grow and will provide fodder for conversations when you are both alone. Being with other people does not limit or pause the getting to know you process.
12. Just hang out
Chilling a bit
If you are both out of ideas on where to go for a third date, just take a breather and chill. Don't sweat it too much because dates will come if they must. Hang out for the day with mutual friends. This can bring just as much fun. Dating period does not mean that you both always have to go out alone. Find a spot where your friends or his friends hang out and hang with them a while. You get to know what his circle is like and vice versa.
13. A fair day
Have a little girly fun
A fair can be fun and make you feel excited about being around him even amidst all the activities. Have him get all macho and enter a few competitions to win you a few prizes. It will make you feel somewhat medieval and ladylike and better yet, it will make you happy. Take a ride on the Ferris wheel and scream your heart out while holding onto him. The great thing about going to a fair is that there is a load of different options so you are bound to find a few happy places that you both like.
Have a sweet closure
In the end, you just want your partner to have fun and get to know you better. By the third date you are already more relaxed and more brave to ask things you haven't asked before. Or try new things. So don't be afraid to take the next step. If you had a fantastic third date, it should be finished off with a fantastic third date kiss. Let yourself go and soak in the romance, and tell your friends all about your wonderful time you had on your date the next day.