Why would someone happy with their relationship cheat
To be able to understand why people cheat in a relationship, or even why do people cheat in marriage, first one has to understand what men and women want from relationships in the first place. For starters, no one can be in a relationship that is not satisfying his or her needs and be happy about it, but the thing is that different people decide to handle a unsatisfying relationship in a different way, so some of them decide to break up, others start cheating, while there are people who try to talk things through before doing anything else. It all depends on many different aspects of a certain personality, and today we will be talking about why do people cheat.

Why do people cheat in relationships
1. Being lost
As funny as it might sound, some people are aware, deep inside, that they need to be loved and that they need a partner who will appreciate them, but they did not make it clear to themselves how exactly it should look and feel like.
2. There's something missing
Being loved by another person does not mean always being emotionally satisfied, because every one of us needs to be loved in a very specific way to be able to recognize it as what he or she needs.
3. Dissatisfaction
Not being satisfied in a physical way, can be a reason for partner to search for proper satisfaction with another person, while still being in a relationship.
4. Desire
Even while in a relationship, it can happen that one of the partners finds another person interesting and wants to get closer to her, which easily leads into cheating.
5. Drifting apart
Some people are not ready to face the evolving relationship and falling out of love makes them feel like they need to find excitement again, just like they had in when a relationship started.
6. Getting even
Finding out that partner cheated is not a pleasant feeling and sometimes the only thing that comes to mind is to strike back in the same way. But watch out, it can easily fire back and make both partners feel bad, just because they didn't talk things through.
7. Boredom
People do get bored in a relationship, but some of them find out constructive ways to deal with it and refresh their love life, while others just look for temporal satisfactions, not even trying to fix things with their partner.
There Are People Who Can't Hold Themselves Back from Cheating While in a Relationship
When it comes to relationships men and woman want the same things: 1) No excuses; 2) No cheating. Yes;, more often than not, cheating and excuse making go hand in hand. You will find out fast, why even happy people cheat in their relationship.
1. Sometimes people don't know what exactly do they want from a relationship

Yes, exactly- they do not know. As funny as it might sound, some people are aware deep inside, that they need to be loved and that they need a partner who will appreciate them, but they did not make it clear to themselves how exactly it should look and feel like. Someone wants a romantic partner who will express feelings quite often, while someone does not want too emotional partner, because it feels pressing. If getting an emotional feedback is not as the expected one, it can make a person feel bad, frustrated or even unsatisfied with a relationship, without being precisely aware why is it like that. Reasons why women cheat, as well what makes men who cheat do that to their partners are various. Someone wants a supportive partner, who will be around at all times while someone expects an independent person who will do his own business, and then spend time together after. One way or another, frustration leads to being unhappy and searching for ways to handle it. Try to get to know your partner's expectations, no matter how good you think you already know them and you might get pleasantly surprised.
2. Not being emotionally satisfied

Being loved by another person does not mean always being emotionally satisfied, because every one of us needs to be loved in a very specific way to be able to recognize it as what he or she needs. For those who expect an expressive partner who is sending them messages of love all day long, a non-expressive partner might feel like a non-loving partner, even if it is not the case. It is a huge difference between loving your partner and expressing your love, so have it in mind and check out what are your partner's expectations about this. Sometimes you are not aware of his needs and believe that your way of showing love is what he needs, although he feels differently. It is always good to question yourself and to find new ways to make your partner feel loved, having in mind how many people cheat in relationships because of this.
3. Lack of physical satisfaction

Not being satisfied in a physical way, can be a reason for partner to search for a proper satisfaction with another person, while still being in a relationship or even being married. Knowing how many people cheat in relationships exactly because of this reason is a good motive for all of us to take care of our partners in every way. This is also one of the main things why do people cheat in marriage as well. Being in need for physical satisfaction while having a partner, especially in a long term relationships or even marriages makes some people think that it is not worth of breaking up just because of this, so they end up searching for what they need outside a relationship.
4. Desire to see other people

Even while in a relationship, it can happen that one of the partners finds another person interesting and wants to get closer to her, which easily leads into cheating. It might happen because of lack of surprises with partner, because of the same old- same old feeling, or because the new person is trying harder to impress one who is in a relationship already, and sometimes obviously not satisfied or bored. Men who cheat said that a woman who is trying to seduce them once in a while and playing a bit mysterious with them is always way more attractive than their own girlfriend who might be often too busy for them or not in the mood to be intimate with them for a long time. The main reason why woman cheat is very similar- they want more than they are getting, and other people offer so much. It might happen that a person she is spending the most time with, at work, is exactly the one she wants to start seeing much often.
5. Falling out of love

Some people are not ready to face the evolving relationship and falling out of love makes them feel like they need to find excitement again, just like they had in when a relationship started. Being in love and love are very similar, yet very different feelings and sometimes people are in need to feel the excitement of being in love, just like they did once they started a relationship. This feeling is intensified if one is in a relationship or marriage, because the additional excitement of doing a forbidden thing makes it even more tempting. Men who cheat said that it makes them feel wanted again and it turned out to be one of the main causes why women cheat, as well. On the other hand, sometimes people fall out of love and lose interest for a person they are in a relationship with, do not want to leave partner for any reason that they might have and that how it starts...
6. Trying to get even
Finding out that partner cheated is not a pleasant feeling and sometimes the only thing that comes to mind is to strike back in the same way. But watch out, it can easily fire back and make both partners feel bad, just because they didn't talk things through. Once you catch a guy cheating it is up to you to decide what to do about it. Someone decides to break up, others talk things through and some people just think that the best thing to do is to make a cheating partner feel the same. It is a vicious circle, though and it can easily lead to a breakup.
7. People get bored

People do get bored in a relationship, but some of them find out constructive ways to deal with it and refresh their love life, while others just look for temporary satisfactions, not even trying to fix things with their partner. Men who cheat are doing it to get excited again, which is the same reason why women cheat, too. Everyone needs to feel wanted, excited, surprised, so it is good to have in mind that, no matter how good you know your partner, you should do something unexpected and keep your relationship fresh and upgrade its aspects once in a while.
After reading basic reasons why people cheat in relationships, it is important to have in mind this- it is rarely happening that only one of these situations is the reason for things to go bad. Mostly, two, three or even more situations are mixed up together and happening simultaneously, causing one another or leading one into another, like a chain reaction. Taking care of your partner and his needs and expectations, being dedicated to your relationship and considering it to have a high priority in your life in general is one of the best ways to prevent it to fall appart because of lack of satisfaction or, bottom line- cheating.