Stay at Home Dates: Romantic, Cheap, and Cozy
Basically, stay at home dates are a brilliant, comfy way to spend some quality time either with a guy you are currently seeing or your sweetheart. If you’re the one planning a good stay-at-home date, you have to keep in mind the necessities: Phone off, clean up, and roommates (or parents) out! After that, it is almost certain that you’ll have a great time together. The level of comfiness will just might make you feel like never stepping out of the house again.

When it is cold, wet, and everything seems all the more depressing in these autumn evening, it’s completely normal if you just don’t feel like going out of the house, even if that’s a date night. So, in the cozy night and lazy days’ honor, we give you top 10 must-tries for when no one is around.
Those Boots May Be Made for Walking, but These Slippers Are Made to Be Warm and Cozy! On the Days When Rain Is Just Too Much to Deal with, Try Some of These Great Stay at Home Date Ideas!
Whether you’ve got a new and wonderful date or you want to spend your time with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you’ll have the best time at home with these great ideas!
Candle light dinner
Give your beautiful date to an extraordinary dinner he’ll always remember. Set the house up with candlelight when he comes home, play slow and soft music and set the wine on the table with some flowers. Make him sit at the table and try some of your best dishes you yourself prepared.

Make some chocolaty dessert and some mouthwatering roasted chicken and just enjoy this amazing time with him. She’ll sure be happy as a lark!
Why not make a playlist?
Ah. Those old days when we’d mix a tape of our favorite songs for our loved ones. Well, that technology is old and now it’s time for some new one. Basically, you can do the exact same with some old or blank CDs if they’re no longer in use, an iPod, and iTunes.

Make playlists for one another with your iPods as well as laptops. After that, when he listens to this playlist of yours at the gym or in the car, he’ll always think of you!
Plan a game night
Invite a group of couples at your place for a fun competition! Hand out snacks, play some UNO, or organize a small tournament in, say… Pictionary? Play on and let’s see who wins!

Make cocktails together
Let’s do a crash course and make cocktails as well as try making some saucy tonics. Get some equipment for bartending (you would need a strainer, a shaker, some ice, and a shot measure at least) as well as the main ingredients for a couple of various kinds of cocktails.
Pick the most preferred drink as the base for your each and every cocktail. After that, you just need some fruit, mixers, and some soda. That way you can enjoy making virgin variations of all those fun cocktails we hear about!
Watch a movie together
Why not theme it?When at home, this can be a wonderful twist to your typical DVD-and-a-dinner night. An Italy night may contain a bottle of Chianti, homemade pizzas, as well as a movie that is Italian-themed like The Italian Job or Life is Beautiful. Also, you might even want to get it to a whole new level and make it a 1950s Italy night, and in that case, you must decorate and dress accordingly and watch The Talented Mr. Ripley or Roman Holiday. Of course, you can explore and be imaginative as you like, as there some great themes, such as a night in France, Mexico, or Japan.
Go ahead and play board games
Do you remember Scrabble, Twister, or Trivial Pursuit? Prepare some cocoa and relax into a fun night. That may sound a little tedious, but trust me; you’ll have the most fun night ever.

On the other hand, play those board games that are just made for lovers. Play some Scrabble, but assign a romantic award (such as massage, or extra cuddling time) to the winner. If not, try starters of dating conversation to aid you get to know one another a lot better.
Cook together and make fun and tasty dishes
Go ahead and get adventurous in the kitchen. Try to make something good and fresh together. Look for something you have never tried cooking in the past. Thinking about exploring a brand new cuisine? Maybe you two could start trying out a Thai green curry, and make the curry paste on your own, too. Also, you could try baking a sheet of cookies. Start cooking together and turn up the music. Once you’re done you can enjoy your meal together, or even invite friends or sibling over to try it, too. Isn’t that just a whole lot of fun?
Catch the sunrise or sunset
I’m guessing you have never done this ever since you were teens or maybe haven’t yet tried it. Just so you know, it’s quite romantic (kind of like someone gives roses to you on Valentine’s Day), and what you need for this interesting date is just a wine bottle, blanket, coffee or tea, and one another. At, you can check out the time of sun setting at your place.

Why not babysit for a buddy of yours?
Why don’t you do a good deed and have tons of fun at the same time? Give a friend a few hours off from their children and spend your date doing something this fun. You’d get the wonderful opportunity to do some coloring, watch silly movies, play hide and seek around the house or in the garden, or play with some cool Play-Doh. When you’re done tucking those kids in bed, sit close together on the couch and just talk and have some quality time.

And in case that him or you are not really a kids person, you can also settle for dogsitting. That can also be a whole lot of fun, and you can be sure that your friend will also be greatful.
The night of chocolate tasting
So this will perhaps thrill a lot more you than for your other half; however, the truth is: a ton of chocolate CAN make you feel so much better. Get many unique kinds of chocolate (or try making some of them yourself), taste all of them and have a blast.

And now you’ve got the list of the most amazing stay at home date ideas! What is left for you to do is jump into your favorite fuzzy slippers, decide what you’re about to do, and get the coziest party started!