A couple of fourth date ideas can definitely be useful for many people. When you go out on the fourth date with someone, you know that person a little bit by now. You start knowing that person well enough, and that’s where you begin to feel relaxed and very comfortable

Here are some of the best fourth date tips and ideas to enjoy yourself and have a great time with him for women hands down!
What are Some of the Best Fourth Date Tips for Men and Women?
All of this is great and there is some danger of being too comfy as well as assuming a little too much. Several people think that everything is going good once they go out on the fourth date, but it’s not. You cannot trust that person too easily just because you went out with him a few times. Let’s read some fourth date tips below!
Pick a public place where you can talk easily.
Getting yourself out of your apartment avoids getting all physical and makes it very much possible to get some real conversation started. Go ahead, ask each other a few questions, and get to know each other better.
Ask him about his previous relationship.
The ex-talk is very useful no matter how weird it may sound. This will predict what his reaction is when he’s not in his best behavior of dating. He will open up if you ask him the right way and make him feel comfortable. Ask him questions and let’s see how he answers. A mature guy will let you know about a few of his ex-girlfriends and why they didn’t last. If he glares too much, repeatedly shakes his head, or drops cruel criticism, chances are the problems are his lack of understanding as well as patience. You better think twice before starting a relationship with him.
Does he handle debt maturely?
First of all, debt is not bad always. A guy who has student loans is basically in smart debt and is an investment that will definitely pay off in the future. Look for a guy who is smart and mature and knows how to handle money. See how he spends his money. Does he save or just keeps spending all of his money on irrelevant stuff? It really shows his character. Talk about the economy and let’s see how he discusses about finances. In the past, if he’s made a few bad financial decisions, it’s not a big deal as long as he talks about cutting back and spending it maturely and wisely.
Do some window-shopping together.
When walking past a few furniture stores or almost every different kind of store, it reveals what the woman is into. Does she want everything out of those stores? If she too had financial problems before and now she’s made better financial decisions, then that’s a good sign.
By bus, go on a city tour.
Let’s see if he has the patience to wait and how he handles people who are closely seated to him. Is he rude and pushy or kind and considerate?
Check out a new museum exhibit or go to an art gallery.
If traditional compatibility is very essential to you, then a woman who fiddles around when an art gallery opening is taking place is not likely to suit you.
For an evening, pretend to be tourists!
Each and every city contains exclusively touristy locales as well as spots. Check out a couple of them and maybe buy him some charms. She’ll play right along, if she’s a good sport. If not, she, for sure, may not be the woman to think about when lighthearted as well as spontaneity fun are a relationship’s key parts.
Go ahead and feed some ducks.
Does she love animals? For the man who himself absolutely loves animals, this can be an extremely revealing trip.
Do karaoke singing.
This is literally the moment of watershed for unraveling the extrovert from the introvert. You’ll have a lot of fun together once you start doing this. It adds to the bonus romance points!
Leave as soon as you kiss him goodnight at the door.
Just remember, these best fourth date tips are here to help you make a decision only if she is the one to cut or keep loose. There’s nothing wrong if she invites in just for a movie or coffee, but chances are the physical temptation will for sure muddle up your senses.
Magic Show or Comedy Show
If you want to spend money, you can’t really go wrong with a comedy show or magic show. The first one will entertain your brain; the second one will definitely make you feel like you’re being entertained. The most awesome part is that you’ll have so much to talk about when one show is finished.
Dance Lesson
Most women love dancing. As a date, start taking a dancing lesson. Not only does it let you get into some great physical contact with your future girlfriend, but creates the possibility for many more dates since generally, you won’t have the ability to learn to dance in just one lesson. Take a few lessons and enjoy the company of each other!
Amusement Park
Do you want an excuse to go all wild? Amusement parks are literally the best place to just let go of yourself. Taking him to amusement parks is a great idea, especially when she has the interest.
Also, just remember, it’s not just where you take her on dates, but it’s also what you say to her and do. That makes a big difference as well.
So, now you have plenty of fourth date ideas. Have fun and good luck!