Ask the right first date questions that won't make him feel uncomfortable
You are on cloud nine because you’ve snagged a date with a really great guy you’ve wanted to go out with for a while and you are focused on making a great impression. You’ve got your hair done, chosen your most comfortable outfit, reservations are in order and you are intent on having a good time. But amidst all the planning you start to think about blowing it. What will you talk about on your first date? What if you can’t find the right thing to say? What are some good questions to ask a guy?

If you are like the average person then you can probably just wing it and let the chips fall where they may. But truth is, even the average person gets nervous sometimes and cannot think of anything to say.
Here are a few questions to ask a guy on a first date that will put your mind at ease. You can memorize these questions beforehand so you get comfortable asking them.
7 Questions That Are Great to Ask on a First Date with a Guy That Help You Get to Know Him Better without Making Him Feel like He Is Being Interrogated
If you want to get to know someone then asking questions is a sure way of getting there. Asking first date questions gives you valuable insight into knowing more about your date and makes him know that you are interested in him
Where did you grow up?
Most first date questions work best when they are centered on the familiar topics such as friends and family. You do not want to ask your date questions that are too complicated or things that will make him feel uncomfortable and think too hard before answering. Asking him about his childhood, for example where he grew up, what high school or college he went to is always a great place to start. How he answers will determine how he feels about a particular subject. If he answers readily and comfortably then you are on the right path. If he seems uncomfortable, then its best to move onto another subject area
How many siblings do you have?
Like growing up, asking about family is one of the best first date questions ideas that you can think of. Again this is a subject that is familiar and something that your date will more than likely look forward to sharing. Most people enjoy talking about their family not only to compare traditions and beliefs with someone else’s but also as way of being proud of who they are and where they come from.
What do you do for a living?
Talking about work and comparing notes about each other’s boss can make for an interesting topic. Men love when women show interests in what they do but ensure that the conversation is engaging. This means that you cannot formulate questions to ask on a first date if you do not genuinely want to hear the answers. If you ask him what his job is like, listen to his answer and ask questions to show you want to know more. If the conversation flows as it should, you will probably end up throwing away that little piece of paper that you drafted on your “List of 1st Date Questions”.
Where is your number one place for an ideal vacation?
This takes you both out of the familiar areas and allows you both to dream a little. The aim of the game is to find out more about him but it doesn’t have to be boring. While where he chooses to vacation might hold no more bearing on whether or not you both go out again, his answers will allow you to determine if his lifestyle matches with yours. Maybe he wants to vacation in the rugged outback whiles you prefer being on an island, sipping pina colada. The things that he loves would be among the top questions to ask on a first date.
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?
This is one of those questions to ask on first dates just to break the ice. Funny first date questions can be witty, comical or based on some sort of trivia or riddle. It can be used as an ice breaker to show that you are comfortable with your date. This will make him more at ease with you and you might see him opening up more. Nobody said being on a date means you can’t both be a little goofy.
What did you dream of becoming when you were growing up?
Your top first date questions should be fun and interesting. Asking about dreams and aspirations will allow your date to open up about what he wants to do with his life, where he had always dreamt of going or what he intend to do with his life. This gives you an idea to see if your goals match his. There is nothing wrong with having different goals (this is only natural) but are both your lives heading in the same direction?
When is our next date?
While this idea of the next date is something that you will more than likely know at the end of your first date, this a nice question to ask on a first date, especially when it went well. If you feel that your date wants to see you again and you are on the same page then wanting to know what is next is only natural. There are many fun things to do on a first date and pretty soon you will be thinking about second date questions to ensure it goes just as well as your first.
Should you interrogate a guy on the first date?
Remember that great first date questions are only effective if you make it seems like a natural thing that flows with the conversation. If you reel them off too quickly, then it will seem too rehearsed and put both you and your date at ease. You don’t want him to feel as if he is being interrogated. If you run out of ideas just relax and allow the conversations to take shape. Do this and you will be surprised how many good first date questions will come to you.
Do not be shy when it comes to asking questions especially on first dates. Most questions to ask when first dating opens a window of opportunity to allow you to get to know the other person better. When that window closes, it is sometimes hard to reopen.