Let Your Boyfriend Know You Love Him
Your Own Way
When it comes to saying the “L” word, there are many ways how to tell your boyfriend you love him. The majority of people have a dry mouth and somehow the words don’t come out right. In case you would like to make sure that this won’t happen to you, it is best to come up with a plan.

It’s not about writing a speech and practicing it, but finding a unique way that you feel comfortable with and that your partner will never forget.
8 Ways to Tell Your Boyfriend How Much You Love Him and to Make Sure That He Never Forgets All the Effort You Put in Organizing, Planning, and Executing Your Plans
There are numerous different ideas for you to be inspired by that will help you in telling your boyfriend you love him.
Cook something special for him

Prepare his favorite meal (no frozen foods please)
There is something special about offering a home cooked meal. This is why in the majority of the cases people really appreciate it. When you are asking how to tell your boyfriend you love him, start by preparing him his favorite meal. You can be sure that this will relax him and it will take the edge off things. As a result you will be more relaxed as well and the words will come to you more easily. As you can see, the question isn’t when should you tell your boyfriend you love him, but how.
Text him how you feel
Send messages so that he will know you are thinking about him
In case you are asking how to show your boyfriend you love him, you should remember that telling him you love him through a text message is simply… impersonal. However, you can use text messages in order to give him subtle hints and to lead him in the right direction. For instance you can tell him that you miss him or that you can hardly wait to see him. This will tell him that you are thinking about him and that your relationship is more than a simple pastime activity for you.
Just say it already

It might be time to simply spit it out
All girls ask themselves at one point how do you tell your boyfriend you love him. The truth is that men aren’t as complicated as they seem and usually they prefer the simple things. This means that the most beautiful memory that you could create for him is to simply look into his eyes and say the “L” word. As scary as this may sound and as blushed as you might be, you can be sure that your message will have a huge impact on him and there won’t be need for you to say anything else.
Get him something new to play with
Buy him a new gadget, if you can afford
If you are one of the girls who are looking for ways to show your boyfriend you love him you should remember that in some ways men will always be like children. As an example, all men like shiny new gadgets. If you have the budget for it, you could get him a new plasma TV or a smartphone or anything else you think he might like. Even though you may think this is a bit silly, you can be sure that he will consider it a thoughtful gift and he will love you for it. Just make sure he won’t spend more time with the gadget than with you.
Make sure there is nothing to question about the effort you put into the way you look
Get yourself ready for a hot date
There are a lot of girls asking, how do you show your boyfriend you love him. First of all, you have to keep in mind that he loves you and not the things that you get him, so the best way to show him that you care is to be prepared for your next date. Secondly, this is something you have to do for yourself to feel sexy. Have your nails done, do your makeup, and have your hair blown out. In many cases girls stop caring about their looks once they get a boyfriend and this is one of the biggest mistakes that they can make. One of the best ways to tell your boyfriend how much you love him is to take care of yourself.
Find the middle ground that both of your can live with
Make a compromise to make him happy
When asking the question, how do you show your boyfriend you love him, you should think about the things that he has been dying to do with you but you kept saying no, such as going to the game with him. In case he knows that you aren’t thrilled about the idea but you accept it just to make him happy, he will appreciate your sacrifice and this will become one of the things to do to show your boyfriend you love him. As an added bonus, most probably he will do the same the next time you wish to go to the opera.
Compliment him on the things he does well no matter how few; let him know he is your prince charming

Compliments don’t cost you anything, you know
If you are looking for the best way to show your boyfriend you love him is to make him feel appreciated. In the majority of the cases women don’t mind telling their boyfriends about that hot guy at the bar (if they have an honest relationship), but they shouldn’t feel awkward about complementing their partner either. Although you shouldn’t let it get to his head, you should pay a compliment from time to time to make your boyfriend feel special. As one of the cute ideas to show your boyfriend you love him you should mention that his hair looks very nice today. Even though this may seem something minor, you can be sure that it will be the highlight of his day.
Be creative when showing that you love him
Give him your heart (made of paper)
There are numerous cute ways to show your boyfriend you love him. If you know a little something about arts and crafts, you could use your talents to surprise him. You don’t have to be thinking about something very expensive. Sometimes all you need is a red piece of paper and some creativity. As one of the creative ways to show your boyfriend you love him is to offer him an origami heart shaped paper box. You can put in it a piece of chocolate or a love letter. In fact, it won’t really matter what you put inside; the gesture itself will be a lot more important.