Get out of a dating rut before you know it
finding a boyfriend
We have all found ourselves stuck in a dating rut some time or another asking the question of how to find a boyfriend, desperately shuffling through bad choices, and never finding that perfect match we all strive for. Somewhere along the way, we tend to lose our path, and forget what we are searching for. And when that happens, you may be stuck in a dating rut; it's tough to know how to get out of it. Are you looking in the right place? Maybe you should try the laundry mat.

All the single ladies out there wondering how to get a boyfriend in today's chaotic dating scene, stay tuned for a couple of tips and tricks to make you get on the track.
9 Ways to Find a Boyfriend to Get out of Your Dating Rut
Ask your friends to find you a boyfriend
What are friends for? Never shy away from asking your friend the bold question: Can you find me a boyfriend? Come to think of it, friends might be the ultimate source of finding the ideal partner.
Friends are least likely to recommend a person that will disappoint you in the way you will want to give up men all together!
Friends are the ones who want the best for you, in most cases, so get the search started with them! Don't be afraid to go on a blind date. It might sound childish, or risky, but he who risks, wins!
Seriously ladies, take a chance and go for a casual date with a friend of a friend. After all, you have nothing to lose!
Get out more
Out and about! Day or night, it doesn't matter. It's always a good idea to be outside. You will not find a boyfriend sitting on your couch, eating a box of chocolates, and dreading why prince charming is still not on his way to rescue you! Whether it's a bar, a night club or a restaurant, it's always a good thing to go out in the attempt to find a boyfriend. Go for a walk in the park, and if you see a guy you like, sit next to him and start a casual conversation. If he turns out to be incapable of having a decent conversation, at least you have the freedom to walk away and not feel obligated to spend the rest of the day/night with him.
Hit the party scene
Party central. You don't have to go to a club to meet someone fresh and new. Throw a party and tell your friends to bring someone. You will meet new people, and even if you don't meet that perfect guy you have been looking for, the party is not a disaster. Making friends is an excellent way to find a boyfriend. You expanded your social network, and someone from your new friend list may have a friend who's single and ready to hit you up!
Go sporty
Work out for a date! For all the sporty girls out there, the nice weather is a blessing. Go for a healthy and energizing jog, or a bike ride, and on the way say hello to that potential boyfriend material you might spot. A nice smile can go a long way and the reality is that no man can resist a woman in spandex. This way you kill two birds with one stone - you get a healthy work out and you meet new people.
Try speed dating
Speed dating. All hail the 21st century! For all the people who are constantly on the rush and simply don't have that kind of time to devote to their love lives, speed dating is the perfect solution. Take a few minutes to speak to every potential date, and check if there is a connection between you two. This is also convenient for those who don't like to put a lot of pressure on dates, and just want to find someone that shares their point of view.
Consider taking a class
Finding a boyfriend in college is easy. Just go to class. How to meet a good boyfriend in class? That's easy—not. Nevertheless, it makes an excellent venue to meet new guys. Schools are actually a great way to meet new people and socialize. If you are already out of school, you are in luck. Take a class, or join a group where you can learn something new and have the chance to meet a good guy. You can also show off how competent and versatile you are, and that is definitely appealing to any guy.
Try. Try. Try again. The more chances you take, the more likely you are to succeed in finding a boy friend
Be brave. Let your inhibitions go, and be the one to approach the guy. It's time to face the facts - we live in a fast-paced society where ladies no longer have the luxury to wait for a guy to ask them out.Different types of girls means there is a necessity for different kinds of approaches. That is why you should be asking yourself how do i find a boyfriend instead of how to find a boyfriend. Moreover, what works for others may not work for you. You might be the shy type, but you're in luck. The social media are there to make the communication easier for you. Get online, and write a friendly message to your crush. Familiarize with him. It's the first step to getting closer to finding a boyfriend. Be the first to say hello. Have a pick up line ready in advance, in case you meet someone in an unexpected place. It's more of a loss if you don't try, then if you try and fail. Just remember it that no matter how many times you fall looking for a boyfriend, always pick yourself up, keep moving forward.
Initiate conversation
Practice makes perfect. Just starting your dating life may be intimidating to many of you women out there. However, remember that old saying, practice makes perfect. Practice by initiating small talk with that cute guy you have spotted in school, or at the elevator of your apartment building. Or even that cute guy you always see at Starbucks while getting your favorite cup of coffee. The important thing is, if you would like to have that boyfriend of your dreams, be ready, and open for new opportunities every day. And by being ready, I mean always carry a piece of paper and pen with you, just in case you meet that hunk who you are going to give your contact number to.
Be easy-going
Be pleasant. Nobody wants a grumpy, know-it-all girlfriend. It's a proven fact that people overall, and especially men enjoy company of women who laugh more, women who are easy-going and put less tension on men being the perfect prince charming. Relax, take the time to get to know each other, make it a memorable and pleasant experience, as opposed to creating expectations from the early beginning that might not ever come true. Help someone feel better, and you will get the same in return, and if you show love to others, you just might get lots of it back!
Are these tips really going to help me find a boyfriend?
With so many different choices to make, and paths to go down, it all comes to down to individual preference. Each of us deserves a chance to find that perfect boyfriend that will sweep us of our feet. The most important thing is to be open for new opportunities and embrace new ways of achieving that goal. Following these tips will definitely land you a date or two, and if you stay persistent, it will get you not only a boyfriend, but possibly the man of your dreams.