Sweet Ideas for Writing Your Boyfriend a Poem
Romance – it exists all around us, but being romantic is not everyone's strong side. Yet, life really has mysterious ways and sometimes makes you do the unthinkable in the name of love. The ideal scene would look like this: Your Prince Charming is completely smitten by you so every day he leaves small tokens of love and appreciation at your doorstep, sings you love songs over the balcony, kisses your hand, recites poetry while holding a beautiful blooming rose in his hand.
Since this scenario is not likely to happen, and our partner isn't usually that romantic, why not take matters into your own hands? There is something you can do to wake up the romance in him, but you have to take the first step. After all, women are used to taking first steps in every aspect of life. Here are a few starter ideas about poems of love that will definitely surprise him.

Boyfriend Poem
1. Express your emotions
2. Be yourself
3. Don't gotta rhyme
4. Go back to that time
5. Be positive
6. Set a goal
Get to Writing a Boyfriend Poem that Will Show Your Affectionate Side and Bring the Romance Back to Life in Your Relationship
Are you stuck on how to write something nice for your boyfriend? You are not alone. Make your words stick in his head after reading the poem you write for him. Easier said than done, right? Luckily enough, there ways to make you boyfriend poem work.
1. Tell Your Emotional Story
Poems about love are all about… Well, love. And since we're on a mission to sway your partner of your feet, why not use that love to create the best boyfriend and girlfriend poems ever. Okay, so now that we're all enthusiastic and motivated, let's get to the point. When writing any kind of poem, it's all about including emotions, and telling a story that moves and stirs something in the heart of your loved one. It might sound a bit old school, but you can't really have romance if there are no feelings right? If you find it hard to express your emotions, and don't really know how to word them, take a piece of paper, and start writing up all the emotions that you feel when you're around your partner. This will help you get all of the emotions out on the paper, and on the way to creating the most romantic poem.
2. Use Your Own Voice
Remember, girlfriend to boyfriend poems don't have to sound like they came out of a poetry book. Not at all, in fact, it's better to use your own voice, and not pretend like Shakespeare. It should reflect your personality, while at the same time focusing on pointing out what's most important, and that's feelings. Your partner has probably read one of Shakespeare's poems, and he probably doesn't want to do that again, so be yourself and express yourself. The 21st century is all about ''I love my boyfriend poems ,'' where you tell the story through your perspective and put your partner on the love pedestal.
3. Don't Worry About Rhymes
While we've all had at least one class teaching us about verses, poems and rhymes, it's not always necessary to rhyme or a use a certain pattern. New boyfriend poems break out of all patterns, so don't pressure yourself to create the perfect rhyme. Some of the best boyfriend poems have come from the heart, and they didn't even rhyme at all. In essence, it's all about what you say, not whether you rhyme 'cat' with a 'hat'. If you focus more on the form of the poem, the reader will focus more on it too, and you really want him to read it and understand it all throughout. So ditch the rhymes and put your thinking cap on.
4. Use Your Memories
If you're still stuck with writing your boyfriend poems, but you really don't want to quit, here's another idea. If you can't find creative ways to express your feelings right now, tap into the past, all the way back to when you met each other. Nostalgia plays a great role if you're trying to write breathtaking poems for boyfriend. Think about your first date, that unforgettable first kiss, the way he first made you a romantic dinner. Use all of your memories and remind him of all the romantic moments you've shared together. That's how cute boyfriend poems are made. That's something both of you experienced together, and it's bound to wake up some kind of romantic emotions in your partner's heart. Don't worry, you won't sound cheesy. If you do, remind your boyfriend that it's really your love story and that you're cheesy in it together.
5. Compare the Past and Cherish the Future
When you write a something for him, you can get too caught up in sounding tragically romantic and not focus enough on telling your love story. Some sweet boyfriend poems don't sound desperately romantic at all, but rather portray a great story. For example, you can compare your life right now, with the life you had before you met your partner. Of course, we can't stress enough how important it is not to include irrelevant information about ex-boyfriends, because it would only bring in unnecessary negativity into your poetry, right? Focus more on describing the positive things he brought into your life, and how you wouldn't change them for anything. He must have some funny habits, sayings, or something that really annoys you, yet at the same time you love and can't live without. Use this to tell your love story, and we guarantee that you'll become the master of boyfriend love poems.
6. Set a Specific Goal
When trying to write a boyfriend poem, produce something creative, emotional, groundbreaking, you have to put in a lot of time and a lot of soul into it. But, when it comes to new boyfriend poems, it's best to set a specific goal, and decide where you want to go with the poem. Don't try to tell one story, than jump to the other, and end up telling 20 different love stories all in one. Set a specific theme for yourself, and keep going in that direction. That way, you won't wonder too much and it will be so much easier to actually think off what to write, instead of thinking about everything.
When we consider everything, scratch what you've ever done before, ditch the ex-boyfriend poems, get your pen and paper and get those creative juices going by thinking, breathing, reliving your own story. Poetry is best when it comes from the heart, and remember, you don't have to sound like a professional poet, because chances are, you're probably not, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article. It's the thought that counts, and by following our advice, your romantic love poem will launch your relationship onto a whole new level, where you might even get your partner to think about doing the same for you. You never know.
What are you waiting for? We want to see your poems!