Whatever the occasion, always find the perfect gift
Yes, it is truth universally acknowledged that most of us love shopping: it’s fun; it’s exciting; and it's another great way to spend time with your friends. There are no problems, this is our area of expertise: we know what we’re looking for, how much money we have at our disposal, and we have our friends who are there for advice giving and size picking; and there you go - shopping mission accomplished!

The situation is a bit different when we have to buy gifts, because then we have to consider what someone else likes and would like to have. If we are to guy gifts for friends or best friends, that is not always so tricky, because we know them well, and only if they have really complex personality, could this be a problem.
But there are various situations in which gift giving is a social norm. If you need tips on how to buy the perfect gift, you came to the right place.
No Matter If You're in Rush about Your Friend's Wedding or You Have No Idea What to Buy for Your Colleague Birthday, Take a Look at Some Tips That Will Help You Find the Perfect Gift
Just imagine this situation: you are standing in the middle of a crowded store absolutely baffled because your boyfriend asked you two hours before a big party to go and find a present for his cousin who is a huge tree hugger. You know that those people are all for eco-friendly stuff and so, but you have never ever been in a situation to buy such person something, nor do you have any idea what would such person want for her birthday. You have no idea where to find green gifts, and you can’t even remember if you have anywhere seen a tag saying eco-friendly gifts. Not really a fun shopping situation, isn’t it? Nor would you like to find yourself in one of that. However, there is a bunch of possibilities for getting an eco-friendly gift, no matter what the occasion is: birthday, wedding, Christmas, and so on.
Gift from a (green) heart

There is actually a whole bunch of small shops and online stores selling eco-friendly clothes, and accessories. You can find really cute jewelry made of recycled materials. And if you’re not sure if the person you are buying the gift for is a jewelry fan, or you don’t feel close enough to buy her some clothes, there are entire lines of organic cosmetic products, and those usually come in pretty pastel baskets which are usually filled with nicely smelling bubble baths, bath salts, and all kinds of lotions which are really good and nurturizing for your skin, and also have no bad effect on your environment.
Leave them speechless on their birthday with the perfect gift

If your bestie’s birthday is in question, that’s a piece of cake. You are most likely the one who knows her better than any other person in the world, so you probably know her style, what are her birthday dos and don’ts, and there is hardly any chance that you won’t have any idea which gift would make her jump around the room in excitement. All that is up to you is to figure whether you can afford it on your own, or should you find another person or a group of friends to chip in with you.
On the other hand, if you are buying a present for someone you don’t know so well, you’ll probably need an approach different from intuition. If at first you’re lacking birthday gift ideas, start paying more attention what they are talking about. Focus on their interests, and the topics they currently talk about most. Especially if they talk about planning a party, you’ll might, get them talking, they’ll might reveal some interesting stuff about last year presents. Also, as they are probably on your Facebook friend list, or you follow them on Twitter or Pinterest, in that case: scroll down! Go through their profile and find out what sort of things they like. Maybe you’ll even find something like picture of ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ mug they linked saying ‘I SO WANT THIS’. And there you go! Of course, it won’t always be that easy, but truth be told: social networks are really handy in this kind of situations.
I now pronounce you a perfect wedding gift

For some people buying wedding gifts is one hell of a trouble. They somehow get stuck on it and don’t how to pick the right one. But actually, it’s not all that bad. And usually you don’t need any wedding gift ideas. What you need to do is decide on your budget for the gift. And if the couple you should buy the wedding gift for has registered in some store, find out which store it is and visit it, or check out their online store if they have one.
SPECIAL TIP: When making a decision about your budget, bear in mind two things – how close are you to the couple-to-be and how much you can afford. You must be super happy about your bestie getting married, but that doesn’t mean that you have to get a bank loan to buy her a gift. If, however, you really want to buy her something that is out of your range, pair up with someone, or even get her a group gift.
If the couple hasn’t made any registration, or everything you can afford is already off the list, try to find something they’ll find useful. Most couples forget to put on their list those tidbits that are for everyday use: salt and pepper shakers, matching towels, or set of napkins. Something that almost everyone forgets is a set of photo frames: it’s not a necessity, but after all the turmoil about the wedding is over, they will find it great to have something to frame those incredible memories. And what is in it for you: you can find them at any price that fits you.
What Now?! What Now?! Tips for the Road While Searching for the Perfect Gift
It can’t that you are not ready now. There is no universal list of what to buy and what not to buy: it all depends on you, and how you are related to the one who is getting present. Be careful with your budget, always pay attention that it is age appropriate (this is important!), and take a look around for hints, and the right gift idea will come along. You just need to not lose your hope, because you can find what you’re looking for, be it an eco-friendly gift, birthday, or a wedding gift.