These Flirty Questions Will Pique His Imagination
Flirting with a guy you are interested in is the perfect kind of pastime you can dedicate yourself to if you want him to notice you and want to keep things light and interesting.

But, what are the best flirty questions to ask a guy to get him to realize he is more than welcome to flirt back and get things moving along? These random flirty questions will get you where you want to go much more efficiently than if you were taking things slow.
If You Want to Attract His Attention, You Need to Master the Art of Flirting, and These Are Some of the Flirty Questions You Can Ask If You Want Him to Realize You have Been Paying Attention to Him
If you don’t feel comfortable using some of these, test them on your bestie and let her tell you if you’re doing a good job. Or simply ask for a sincere opinion of the guys in your surrounding.
How can someone as cool as you be single?
This comment lets him know that you think he is cool, as well as that you've been paying attention to his relationship status. A little bit of flattery and a little bit of attention goes a long way to convincing a guy that he should be keeping his eye on you.

Do you have a date lined up for the dance/prom/movie night?
This one may look innocent at first, but it too speaks volume to a guy if he's paying attention. You get to tell him that you are aware of a certain event and the fact that he's going there, and if he is not going with anyone, it gives him the perfect chance to invite you to be his date. Or, if he is too shy for that, it lets you ask yourself out as his date - depending on how bold you want to be.

How would you rather describe yourself - smart or sexy?
Out of all the questions to ask a guy, he's most likely to answer questions about him - a little bit of narcissism is a streak that runs through us all, and this one is a compliment and a question at the same time. Listen to what he has to answer and you get to know a bit more about him, and it even opens doors to other good relationship questions to ask a guy.

What's your best feature (tell, don't show!)?
Here's a playful question that will let you keep the conversation flowing to where you want to go. Is it a physical feature? Or is it something he likes about himself? Whichever it is, take note of it, you can compliment him on that at some other time, and he will appreciate the attention. Plus, it leads to the next question -

What do you think is mine?
If he has managed to miss the clues you've been showing him so far that you may be interested in him, this one is very hard to miss, and you want to spring it if you are feeling a bit bold. First, it lets you know a bit of what he thinks of you (if he speaks truthfully - he may answer earnestly), and, second, it has him thinking of you, which is something you want him doing as much as possible.

Did you have a massage recently?
Flirty questions for him are sure to get physical sooner or later, and a massage is a pretty good way to lead his train of thought down the tracks of physical contact. A relaxing massage is always appreciated, and if you lead the conversation properly, he is sure to be thinking of romantic side of that kind of contact. Ask for a massage, or offer one, if you're feeling like moving things faster, or just let him think about it if you want to take things slow.

What would be your go-to movie for a date with a girl you like?
Adorable questions to ask a guy related to the dating life are aplenty, and this one is pretty obvious, a guy can't miss the implications of it. What kind of movie would you take a girl out on a date, or, a variant "What kind of movie would you take ME out on a date?" is a chance for you to ask him out, and gives you a chance to correct him if he's wrong! If he gets it wrong, as a punishment, he may have to take you out to watch a movie you actually want to see!

What is your most embarrassing moment?
We've all done things that make us look silly, and these moments usually make for a very good story. Sharing a story like that creates a pretty nice connection between you and him, and lets you hear something interesting of him. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to share your own stories, and to get him more interested in you!

Do you prefer mornings, daytime, evenings or night to go out?
Flirty questions to ask guys have one point - get the guy to share more of himself and to get to the point where he would be comfortable to ask you out on a date, or where you can ask him out on a date! A question like this lets you find out when is his favorite time of the day, when's he most likely to feel relaxed and happy in general. You can use that info to share more moments with him at that time of day.

Would you kiss intensely in public?
Kissing passionately in public seems to be a tripping point for many, but even if he answers now, he will be thinking of kissing in public, and most likely, kissing you - especially if you asked it right. For added comedy value, ask him this question unexpectedly, while he's drinking a soda, and watch how he handles it. Flirting is supposed to be fun, so enjoy it to the fullest!

These are just some ideas for fun flirty questions to ask a guy who you want to pay attention to you - it's more than enough material for hours of fun if you ask these questions the right way and if you put the answers to good use! Go ahead and start the fun today!