Here is a list of the Top 10 Fruits containing the highest amount of vitamin C. You would be surprised how the scale of vitamin C rich foods changes as you work your way up to the top, list of fruits to add to your grocery fruits list fast.
What fruit is highest in vitamin C?
There are many benefits to getting vitamin C in your diet which should be appreciated by women and men alike.
Since it is useful for health and a diet, let's positively take especially during the diet on which nutritional balance collapses easily, although getting enough vitamin C can help keep your skin looking young.
In this take on Slism, we will be introducing a list of the top ten fruits highest in vitamin C to that you can use to improve nutrient absorption allowing you to eat less while still being able to balance your diet.
#10 Papaya (50mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

Papayas are known the detoxification effect they have on the body allowing complete discharge of waist and toxins accumulated in the body. Ripe yellow papaya is eating raw as a fruit; however not-ripe blue papaya is seen in many culinary uses as a vegetable.
Vitamin C | 175mg |
% Daily Value | 175% |
Calories | 133Cal |
Note that consuming only 0.6 papayas you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#9 Tangor (60mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

The tangor is an offspring hybrid of the mandarin tangerine and the orange. Just so that we're on the same page: Tangerine x Orange = Tangor. When you should expect out of this juicy combination is a small orange with the sweetness of a tangerine.
Vitamin C | 79.5mg |
% Daily Value | 79% |
Calories | 75 Cal |
Note that consuming only 1.3 tangors you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#8 Navel Orange (60mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

Among oranges, the navel orange is considered to be one of the most well-known types and is often referred to as an Orange. There is allotting of different types of Orange that fit this criterion including the Valencia orange used in orange juice production.
The navel orange amongst being one of the most prominent natural sources of vitamin C is also said to be an excellent source of beta-carotene and dietary fiber, an added plus to any diet.
Vitamin C | 120mg |
% Daily Value | 120% |
Calories | 92 Cal |
Note that consuming only 0.8 navel oranges you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#7 Strawberry (62mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

When washing strawberries in water, do no remove the stems to avoid loss of vitamin C content during cleaning. Vitamin C is weak against high temperatures. That is why when strawberry jam is heated it loses all its nutritional value due to vitamin C. This is why eating raw strawberries is best for better nutrient absorption of vitamin C.
Vitamin C | 6.0mg |
% Daily Value | 6% |
Calories | 3 Cal |
Note that consuming only 17 strawberries you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#6 Chocolate-Vine Akebia quinata (65mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

Not many people have heard of the chocolate-vine, or even its scientific name Akebia quinata, which is referred to as Akebi in Japanese, a fruit native to the Tohoku region of Japan has many culinary and medical uses.
The stem of the Akebi is used in traditional Japanese herbal medicinal practice. Although available in the Tohoku regain in Japan it can't be found easily in local supermarkets, thus must be purchased through special order.
Overall the Akebi is a pure delicacy that everyone should try given a chance not to mention it's an amazing source of vitamin C.
Vitamin C | 46mg |
% Daily Value | 46% |
Calories | 57 Cal |
Note that consuming only 2.2 strawberries you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#5 Kiwi Fruit (69mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

Kiwis are not only an excellent source of vitamin C, but provide mass amounts of dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, and vitamin E to supplement your diet.
Folic acid is especially important in the health of women wishing to improve chances of getting pregnant. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommends at least 400 micro-grams of folic acid per day to increase changes of getting pregnant in women. One kiwi fruit is said to contain up to 37 micro-grams of folic acid.
Vitamin C | 70.38mg |
% Daily Value | 70% |
Calories | 54 Cal |
Note that consuming only 1.4 kiwis you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#4 Persimmon Kaki (70mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

The image people have of persimmon, or what is known as kaki in Japan is not that of a fruit high in vitamin C. However in fact, persimmons have lots of it.
Among the different varieties of persimmon including: the dried persimmon, non-astringent persimmon; the sweet persimmon contains the largest amount of vitamin C (55mg per 100g serving size). Both the died and non-astringent persimmon contain negligible amount of vitamin C that are 0mg and 2mg per 100g serving size, respectfully.
Vitamin C | 127.4mg |
% Daily Value | 127% |
Calories | 109 Cal |
Note that consuming only 8 Sweet-Persimmons you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#3 Lemon (100mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

One might say the tingly sourness of lemons and vitamins C go hand in hand. Although not eaten the same way as other fruits are it makes a good addition to any cold beverage with other astonishing culinary uses as well not to mention that it makes a quick solution to getting your daily vitamin C.
Vitamin C | 15mg |
% Daily Value | 15% |
Calories | 8 Cal |
Note that consuming only 7 Lemons you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#2 Guava (220mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

The guava fruit is called Bonjirouin Japan. This tropical fruit is ground tropical gardens throughout the world. It particular Guava tea brewed from the leaves of Guava plants is said to block insulin spikes, particular advantages for people with diabetes on a diet.
Vitamin C | 660mg |
% Daily Value | 660% |
Calories | 114 Cal |
Note that consuming only 0.2 Lemons you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
#1 Acerola (1700mg of Vitamin C / 100g Serving Size)

The two Acerola (12g) is said contain the vitamin c of one whole lemon. Unfortunately, Acerola fruit is not quite being sold on the market. It is very delicate and seldom ate raw unless sold locally and since fruits can be frozen you can get the vitamin C of Acerola without exhaustingly searching.
Vitamin C | 102mg |
% Daily Value | 102% |
Calories | 2 Cal |
Note that consuming only 1 Acerola you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.
Getting Your Daily Vitamin C by Drinking Acerola Juice

When getting your hands on Acerola fruit is difficult consider Acerola juice instead. Vitamin C from Acerola can be protecting in juice form given proper storage.
Please keep in mind that during the juicing process vitamin C is diluted. Even then, you can still expect a good source of vitamin C to be drank from a glass.
Vitamin C | 120mg |
% Daily Value | 120% |
Calories | 42 Cal |
Note that consuming only 1 glass of Acerola juice you can get your daily percentage of Vitamin C in one sitting.