Things that are going to help you slim down the easy way without making you give up on your health
Here are article on diet and exercise to help you lose weight the healthy way in addition to healthy recipes, top vitamin rich food lists, and exercises for your face to slim down your jawline and get rid of a double chin such as face yoga. Don’t miss out on simple diet plans like the apple diet that make getting results in your weight loss program that much easier.
Slism Weight Loss - Number of Posts : 360
30 Seconds Ab-Workout: Get Flat Stomach Abs on Leg Lifts

Need an ab workout that doesn't involve doing crunches? Putting together a workout routine just getting started can be tough. That's why we reintroduced doing leg lifts. That same ab exercise minus the pain.
5 Factor Diet: Synergy Of Low-Gi And High Protein Foods

What's the 5 factor diet? Is it for me?? If you want to lose weight without feeling you have to quit everyday, yes! Balance the foods you eat with high quality proteins and low-gi foods to take it home.
Escape The Drunk Diet: Drinking Alcohol On Your Appetite

Alcohol has a bad rap when it comes to dieting. Most people believe that drinking will make you fat. Take the best out of the drunk diet and what you will see is that it's not what your drink it's what you eat.
Correct Forward Head Posture Exercising Away Back Flab

Correct posture can make the difference between forward head posture and a beautiful body line that makes it possible to dress to impress. Back exercises training your back give you support to do just that.
Normal Body Temperature? – Maximize Increase Metabolism

If you are looking for ways to boost your metabolism then why not consider taking a look at your normal body temperature and make thermoregulation work for you. Lose weight like a homeotherm.
Hormones To Lose Weight By Sleeping For Appetite Control

Craving something to eat at night wouldn't be a problem if you just got more sleep at night. Studies connect sleeping habits with weight loss indicate that hormones are the key to appetite control.
Squat Your Way to A Great Butt: Do It Right First Tips

How does your squatting technique measure up? See how your squats stand the test so that even beginners can do them. If you give a squat about butt exercises and shaping your legs you need this.
Night Tomato Diet To Lose Weight: Easy Antiaging How-to

Lose weight by only eating tomatoes with the tomato diet. Whether you like it or not your body needs antioxidants to keep you looking young. So exercise the laws of attraction and tear it up with to with Tomato lycopene and activation DNA to enter a new age in your weight loss.
5 Yogurt Recipes: Easy To Make Healthy Snacks in Minutes

With recipes like these you can eat yogurt everyday sparing the boredom. Stop buying Greek yogurt and start making it yourself. Save big on frozen yogurt and smoothies that you don't have to go to the store to get no more.
Hot Yogurt: Steaming Cup Of Probiotics Aiding Anti-Aging

Hot yogurt gives you your daily dose of probiotics to step up in your diet. Combined with sesame seeds you can take antiaging to the next level not to mention keep your body from piling away on fat.