Romantic Ideas You Can Do to Improve Your Relationship
Being romantic is not something you only see in the black and white vintage movies. Actually, it's one of the most important things about keeping your relationship strong and stable, besides being compatible with your partner. It is a good thing to surprise your boyfriend with some interesting and creative gift from time to time. Also, an occasional dinner with candle lights and romantic music with absolutely no reason is just one of many romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

How to be romantic with your boyfriend
1. Be creative
Use your creativity and imagination to let him know just how much you care about him by making an interesting gift for him that will blow his mind.
2. Create a mixed CD
Secretly make a collection of his favorite tunes or all songs that have a special meaning to both of you, and play the CD when he's not paying attention
3. Put a scrapbook together
Bring all memories to life by making a cool scrapbook, filled with the photos of you two together as well as some souvenirs from places you have visited or went on a date to.
4. Make every day Valentine's Day!
Surprise him and dress up for a nice dinner, like you would on a Valentine's Day or another special occasion such as an anniversary, on a totally random day and make him smile.
5. Act like a kid again
Pick a day when both of you will have a day off the work, feel free behave like kids and do all those silly things in the park or at the carnival.
6. Be affectionate
Show him the glory days of when you first got together by doing the little things like cuddling that you both often forget about.
Amazing and Romantic Things You Can Do That Will Surprise Your Boyfriend and Make Your Relationship Even Stronger than Before
Frozen romance between boyfriend is coming… Worried about romance between you and your boyfriend is going to freeze over? There are a lot more ideas on how to spark the flame of passion in your relationship once again.
1. Be creative and surprise him
Don't forget to use your creative mind and lots of imagination while thinking about romantic ideas for your boyfriend. Feel free to explore all the different aspects of making him a gift he will remember. At one point, you will come up with something so mind blowing, that he will be thrilled to have. You can always explore the options of making him personalized vouchers with something you will do for him, such as one hour massage after work, a date night with the theme of his choice, free weekend for him to spend with his friends, doing whatever he feels like, or even a 1001 kiss. Another creative aspect you can look into is also recreating your first date and going to the same places you visited the first time you went out together. But, make sure that you cover up the expenses this time and not let him pay for bills. That will certainly put a smile on his face in no time. Another romantic idea is for you to see really romantic things to say to your boyfriend and use some of them to make either poem or write a thoughtful note for him, that you will slip into his pocket as he leaves for work (for example).
2. Create a mixed CD to remind him of your love
Another interesting way of showing your romantic side to him is to make a CD with a compilation of his favorite music. Start by finding out which music he likes the best, which songs are his favorite and which artists he appreciates. Then, make a list of the songs you will put on a disc and burn it on your computer. If you don't already know his favorite songs, or he has none, you can always make a compilation of all songs you used to dance or listen to at the beginning of your relationship. That will surely remind him of all great times you had from the first moment you met up to the present day. You can also throw your first song into this mix and make it even more interesting. After all, there are lots of romantic things to say to your boyfriend, and what way is better for achieving that than through songs that evoke the best memories and feelings at the same time, especially if you start the CD when he's not watching?
3. Put a scrapbook together and bring those memories back
There is no better thing than re-living the days when you started dating each other. Remembering the excitement of seeing each other again when you were apart, finding yourselves in each other's arms after a long day at school or college will bring those feelings to the surface again. That is why one of most romantic things to do with your boyfriend is to sit down with him and together make a scrapbook filled with lots of moments and memories you care about. Photos will always remind you of those specific moments they were taken at and warm your heart and they are the most important part of this collection. You can also put various cinema tickets or tickets from the places you visited together, napkins from restaurants you went in as well as cute little trinkets that will make your past come to life every time you open that book. Bringing up all those intense emotions that you both had at the very beginning of your relationship is only going to remind both of you how important you are to each other.
4. Make every day be like the Valentine's Day!
Gift-giving and making someone feel special isn't only done on days that are dedicated to the love, like the Valentine's Day or some anniversary. It is a nice touch, but it shouldn't be kept restricted to these days. You can also make your man feel as special and as loved on a totally random day during the week. In fact, showing your love and doing things like these on a simple day will make him appreciate your effort and feelings a lot more. In order to surprise him, you can make him a relaxing warm bubble bath, which will wait for him, as he comes home from work. After that, a dinner with couple of candles and a soft romantic music will make the evening complete. But as the cherry on top of the icing, you can always doll up for your man and leave him breathless, just as you would on your special Valentine's Day date night. This is one of the romantic date ideas for your boyfriend that will provide you with both intimate atmosphere and give you the experience of a special occasion at the same time.
5. Act like a kid again and enjoy in little things
Nothing brings couples closer to each other better than when they have the feeling they have known each other since the beginning of their lives. That is why one of the craziest ideas on how to be romantic with your boyfriend includes hanging out in a Luna Park with both of you acting like you are 10 years old again. Goofing off, shooting at the moving objects with water guns, eating cotton candy and simply having fun- make it a part of your special night out. Picking up a day for a date like this one and making it happen is certainly one of the easiest things there is. At first, you may feel odd, due to all children out there, with you as rare adults in the crowd, but after a couple of minutes you will be both messing around with big smiles on your faces. Sharing that part of your personality is really rare and the person you share it with will feel special for having that pleasure. And since this is one of those moments when that will be mutual, your relationship can only grow stronger from that point on.
6. Be affectionate like in the old days
We all know that being an adult also means having a lot to do during the day, and sometimes even getting carried away and forgetting about those little things in life that bring us joy. Often, couples find themselves in situations like these, where they slowly unnoticeable grow apart, due to numerous daily obligations they have. If you think you are in a situation like this and you were wondering how to be more romantic with your boyfriend, so you can avoid getting distanced from your partner and to make your relationship stronger, start by showing the same amount of affection as before. This doesn't mean that you should start behaving like a teenager all of the sudden. This, however, means that you should work a bit on showing your feelings with the same intensity as you used to. Romantic gestures, cute notes and thinking about how his day was is only one part of the whole process. Learn to appreciate the time you have together and use every moment to show each other how much you miss the days when you could spend the whole afternoon cuddling and simply laying next to each other.