Causes of Autism
Autism is a mental condition normally developed in childhood or birth that stunts a child's ability to communicate effectively with other people. Avoiding eye contact, inability to sense sarcasm, problems with personal space: these are all examples of autism signs and symptoms. 20 years ago, autism was found in 1 out of every 10,000 kids. Recent studies have shown that autism is now found in 1 out of every 50 kids. It has been predicted that half of all children in America will have autism by 2025. This is a big deal with enormous consequences.

Causes of Autism
1. Genetics
Genetics play a crucial role in the development of mental conditions such as autism. It goes without saying that having parents with the illness increases their child's chance of having it also.
2. Pesticides
Pesticides such as the ones from chemtrails and the kind sprayed on produce in the crop fields are harmful to our health. It is also possible that over-exposure to them can change our DNA over time.
3. Pollution
This is the main problem of living in most of these big cities. The pollution is everywhere and it is damaging our bodies and minds. Pregnant mothers exposed to pollution increases the child's risk for autism.
4. Medicine
Modern medicine has become amazing, and still has room for advancement. But much medicine is still in its early stages, and the effects could possibly be causing autism.
5. GMO's
GMO's in our food is unnatural and leading to nutrient and vitamin deficiencies in humans. Those lacking nutrition are prone to developing problems like autism.
6. Stress During Birth
Stress during childbirth can cause many physical and mental defects in children, which is why it's so important to plan your pregnancy in a low-stress environment. You never know what the child could turn out like, which is why it's best to take precautions.
7. Food Allergies
Certain foods, especially gluten in wheat and cancer-causing refined sugars and processed foods can lead to many health problems including autism. It should be no surprise that the same chemical-like ingredients in these artificial foods can contribute to physical as well as mental health problems.
8. No Love
Parents who give affection is crucial in a child's development process. Without it, the child could be left with health conditions that only worsen with age. Research shows that autism could possibly develop in children who were neglected while growing up.
Are we really born with autism? What is the cause of autism? The causes of autism are impossible to pinpoint, but are possible to predict. There have been many changes over the years to the American diet, environment, and lifestyle that may be contributing to the increase in autism. It's safe to say that the rates of autism will continue to rise in the coming years. On the bright side: the benefits of buying a cat for someone with autism are too many to count.
There are Many Possible Reasons of Autism that Could Be Directly Related to the Way You are Living Your Life
Find out if you are being exposed to environmental factors that could be contributing to the rise of the autistic in first-world industrial nations.
1. Genetics
It was originally thought that autism was only caused by genetic predisposition to the mental condition. It wasn't until recently that studies have confirmed that there are many different autism causes. These studies show that environmental factors growing up, as well as genetics, both play a role in whether or not someone develops autism. Autism in children and in adults is closely related to what kind of lifestyle they have lived since birth. Autism is starting to become a condition being attributed to all of the recent advances in medicine and technology.
Age of Your Parents
Studies have shown that children with older parents have a higher risk in developing autism. Children with a mother over 40 years old has a 50% greater risk of developing a child than with a mother in her 20's. Although not a leading indicator on the autistic spectrum, the statistics prove a direct correlation with the age of the parents and the causes of autism.
2. Pesticides
Pesticides are everywhere. They are the reason you have to wash your fruit, and the reason working on farms can be hazardous for your health. It's been shown that one of the autism causes can be attributed to over-exposure to pesticides. The chemicals in pesticides can mess with your genetic DNA while young in order to develop an autistic disorder. Are pesticides really necessary as they would make us believe? The topic raises a controversial debate. But fact is, pesticides are harmful to both humans and disrupts the natural ecosystem. Which may be the reason why cases of autism have risen in recent years.
3. Air Pollution
Autism signs and symptoms are common among the youth of today, so it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of autism. However, recent studies have shown that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy can lead to more complications than just an unhealthy immune system. A pregnant mother that is exposed to air pollution is associated with birthing a child with autism. Air pollution is a cause of neurotoxicity in the baby's brain during the time of pregnancy. Along with pesticides, these man-made chemicals can end up doing more harm to our health than we realize. The health of our vital organs, including our mind, is key to preventing any types of autism.
4. Modern Medicine
Out of all the possible causes of autism, pharmaceuticals have been the most prevalent change in human health over the years. Modern medicine has made things more convenient, but at a price. One of the consequences has been a rapid rise in mental illnesses and autistic children. The cure for autism still hasn't been found. But the prevention of autism will begin to be understood when the instances of autistic behaviour is linked directly to medication consumption.
Babies with Autism
Childbirth used to be a natural and drug-free process. And it worked. It was messy, but it worked. Now there are drugs to make the process easier. But it's still in experimental stages, basically. And the consequences are starting to be seen in children born with autism.
Vaccines are the hot topic in the debate of whether autistic traits are genetic or caused by environmental factors. There are many life-saving vaccines that we receive right from birth to ensure a longer lifetime. Humans today live a lot longer than they did 100 years ago. Yet, vaccines come at a price. It is still unsure the side effects of many of these vaccines. The same goes for use of antibiotics in children. Many of these vaccines are relatively new and experimental.
5. GMO's
Here's one of the big causes of autism that is never talked about because its implications are so damaging to the huge food industry in America. GMO stands for "genetically modified organism". Otherwise known as the chemicals added to our food to make them bigger or tastier. Our diets have changed compared to generations and even decades ago. The big food corporations will find ways to maximize profits by any means necessary. If this means substituting healthy ingredients with not-so healthy ingredients in order to save costs, they will do it. This has disastrous consequences, as seen with rise in many health problems including but not limited to autism.
Processed Foods
Genetically engineered foods are foods that passed regulations for safe consumption. But it's not natural. It isn't food that is produced by the Earth. Or it is, but has been modified to the point where it is no longer natural. This same also goes for foods processed in factories. It is still unsure the complications that arise from consuming them. But it is proven that GMO's and processed foods are less nutritious than food grown organically. The problems in human health that have increased in recent years can only be blamed on recent changes in our lifestyles.
6. Stress During Pregnancy
This is a highly controversial theory; because stress during pregnancy is nothing new. In fact, women expecting in the old days probably held a lot more stress than they do now with recent advances in medical technology. However, it is still important to note that autism is largely genetic and the main contribution to a child's autism takes place before the child is even born. Stress during pregnancy could be a major factor in the child's cognitive functioning. If there is a complication during childbirth, it could obviously cause the child to function abnormally. But after advances in technology, why would autism be on the rise? Is it possible that all of this technology and medication could actually be bad for the child? Someone could argue that the less natural a birth is, the higher chance the child could be born with autism. Certainly not proven by any means, but it is a cause for concern.
7. Allergies to Certain Foods
Many autistic children have allergies to certain foods. It's possible that those allergies could have also contributed to their autism disease. It's also possible that those foods can also aggravate the autistic symptoms further if the foods aren't discontinued from the child's diet. Autistic individuals have certain sensitivities; whether to sunlight or food or speech, those sensitivities could also be linked to genetic abnormalities in the child that have contributed to their condition. One of the most common food allergies linked to autism is gluten found in wheats and dairy. Some children sensitive to these foods should be checked out in case these food culprits can lead to the child becoming autistic.
8. Lack of Affection
Some children get no love from their parents. These children are at higher risk to grow up with depression among other psychological illnesses. Another one of these is autism. Children that aren't adequately nurtured while growing up lack the affection needed to create a secure environment for them to grow. Without a solid support system provided by their family, the child lacks the necessary ingredients to become an adult and is left stunted in their growth. This is a viable theory considering that as more children are born and the population is rising, there will also be an increase in parental coldness in the way they raise their children.