8 Signs that You Are Really His Type of Girl
If you like a guy, sooner or later you will be wondering about the types of girls he likes. Basically speaking, all men want the same “type”: attractive, intelligent, smart, and with a good sense of humor. If you have all this, you have a really good shot at getting any guy you like. But does this particular guy like you?

In order to find your answer, there are some signs you should be looking for. These will give him away even if he is trying really hard to hide his true feelings to let you do all the guesswork.
Types of Girls that Catch Guys’ Eyes and Whether or Not You Have Any Chance with the Guy You Have Your Eye On
So what are exactly the signs you should be looking for to know whether or not he’s into you? Is there really a way to tell for sure?
You can have it your way
It is a known fact that men like to do things their way. However, if the right person comes along, they might give up their way just to make you happy. There might be some minor things you like, such as having the bed made in a certain way. If you go home one day and find it done just the way you like it, you can be sure that he is a keeper; he cares for you just as much as you care for him. This also means that sometimes you will have to give up your way to have things his way.

Treating you like a lady
When it comes to the types of girls guys like, you should know that chivalry is not dead. No matter how open-minded and modern he might be, your guy will always appreciate your feminine side and for this he will treat you like a lady. As you might imagine men prefer the women who know to act like a woman.

There aren’t numerous men who like women in boots and hoodies (even though there are some). Show him that you are a real woman and he will treat you like one (and he just might fall in love with you in the process).
He might like showing you off
You can know you can stop asking yourself “am I his type” if you notice him showing you off to is family and friends. Contrary to the common belief, men like women to have a brain as well aside from their looks. You may catch him gloating about one of your current success stories.

You may also catch him having a proud smirk when he introduces you to friends and family and tells them that you are a doctor or a financial analyst. Men like to be proud of their girlfriend and for sure you have a lot of things he can be proud of.
He believes in you
In case you are asking “is he into me”, you have to think about the support he gives you. Does he believe in your dreams? Does he support you with your decisions? If the answer is yes, then you can be sure that he is more than into you. If you know what you want and you know how to get it, he should be 100% by your side and tell you that you can do it. If he comes up with all kinds of “buts” and excuses, it might be time for him to hit the road. You don’t need someone to hold you back.

He is spoiling you
Men like to seem independent as if they didn’t care for anybody. However, at one point someone might come along, whom they are willing to spoil and pamper every way that they can. If you ask yourself “am I the one” and you find him doing all kinds of crazy things for you, you can be sure that the answer is affirmative.

They might be small things like getting you coffee in the morning or standing in line for hours to buy tickets to a concert you wanted to see. This is his best way to show how much he cares and you shouldn’t take it for granted.
He always has time for you
Let’s face it: we are all busy people, but we have time for the people we want to have time for. If you are somewhat insecure, you might ask “is he really into me”. Think about it: does he give up the little free time he has just to be with you? If he is making sacrifices to be with you, you should do the same.

For instance he might be preparing to go on a business trip, but he clears his schedule beforehand to spend some time with you. He may also make plans to call you on a daily basis and to do something together once he returns. These signs all point at him being into you.
Those little touches
Although this might be his unconscious working, if he really likes you, we wants to be physically close to you. This means that he will touch you from time to time. These will be light touches, such as stroking your arm, patting your back in reassurance or holding your hand when the time comes. It all means that he wants to hold you to feel that you are close to him. He also wants to show you that he doesn’t want to let your go.

Have you been friend-zoned?
In case you’re looking for signs he's not into you, here is the most obvious one: him referring to you as a friend. You may have been seeing each other for a while and you might have thought that you are on the right track when he introduces you to his friends as a friend. You don’t want to be his friend! If he still considers that you’re nothing more, it might be time for you to move on.

You can always find out if you are his type of girl. Sometimes you just have to listen to your intuition to know whether or not he’s into you. Like it or not, you always know.