Make him miss you just as much as you miss him
While starting a relationship or being in midst of one, a girl normally encounters two problematic situations. Firstly, she fails to get the desired attention of her guy. Secondly, she starts losing him and doesn’t understand how to win back his heart. Thirdly, taking a selfie should be your last option.

The common solution to both of these problems is one and only - by learning how do you make someone miss you. Doing this, you can give him chance to think about you, crave for you and miss you, and thus easily you can make way back to his heart!
How to Make Him Miss You
5. Be patient with the texting
8. Remain unattached
Make him the one that is more invested in the relationship than you are. This way you know for sure that you have the say over where you two meet and what you do. When you remain emotionally unattached, he is more attracted to you.
7 Proven Ways of Making Him Miss You like Crazy and Thus, Winning His Full Attention, Heart and Mind!
Are you stuck in a situation in which you crave for your guy (your crush), miss him like crazy but do not get the similar attention back? If so, you must be looking for ways of how can you make someone miss you. Simply, try out these following ways to make him miss you such that no matter he is around you or you are away, in all cases he simply misses you and longs for your company!
Get his attention by wearing a signature fragrance
Whenever you meet someone, his specific shampoo or perfume fragrance lasts in your mind even in his absence. So, here comes the first trick of how make him miss you. Simply, wear your signature fragrance whenever you meet your guy. Always remember that guys are fascinated by beautiful body odor. So, if you smell good, he will keep thinking about you via that scent whenever you are not around. For doing this, use the top-notch quality of perfume, shampoo, body lotion, etc. Imagine yourself resting on his shoulder or chest, and leaving behind your beautiful scent on his body. This feeling will keep you alive in his heart and mind round the clock!

Leave behind your small things that jogs his memory
Another way of how to get someone to miss you is by leaving behind your petty yet precious belongings. For example, whenever you are away, seeing your bracelet, ear ring, or even hair clip can keep you jogging his memory every now and then, and thus, is one of the best way to make someone miss you. This is indeed an emblematic and intelligent way of making him miss you in your absence. Moreover, whenever you perform such clever ‘intentional’ gesture, he not only misses you, but also keeps looking forward to meeting you again for returning that item.

Expose yourself gradually to him
How to make a guy miss you when you are totally open to him and leave no secret to disclose later? That’s a fact; guys are less attracted to girls who expose themselves completely in the start. Rather, they are fascinated by mysterious ones. So, the next step toward learning how to make him miss you is that you keep at a distance from him. However, it does not mean that you totally ignore him or avoid hanging out around with him. The key rule here is that you starts the relationship and set on a gradual pace. Talk to him and tell about yourself only the necessary details which he needs to know to get into a relationship with you. Save the rest telling for future talks so whenever you reveal something of yourself later, he gets interested in you more and ultimately misses you.

Avoid making yourself available to him 24/7
One of the best way to make him miss you is by showing yourself bit busy i.e. not always available 24/7. Once you start showing that you are always there for him and has nothing else to do, in other words, you show that he is the sole activity, ultimate need and end of your life, then how could you even think that this can make him miss you. Rather, he will get annoyed with your all time presence. So, the best approach of how to make a man miss you is by keeping your personal life alongside keeping relationship with him. Give him attention, but whenever required. Hangout with him, but also meet your friends, family and relatives. Dine with him, but also attend your social parties. Doing this, he will value your limited presences, misses you in your absence and looking ahead for finding means to spend more value time with you.
Do not respond to his instant calls and dating requests etc. straightaway
Another way of how to make a guy miss you is by not instantly responding to his last-minute dating requests or sudden calls. In both ways, if you react oppositely, he will think as he is always in your mind and you have nothing else to do except waiting for his calls or meeting proposals. You need to show that you have whole other life going around. So, whenever he calls you randomly, attend the call after several ringing. In case of emergency, pick it instantly, but that’s a rare scenario. Similarly, another approach toward making someone miss you is by not always responding instantly and positively to every last-minute decided dates. Here, you can play a trick too. If he asks you out straightway, firstly show that you are busy and cannot make it this time. See his reaction. If he says okay, then it means you did the best needed to be done. However, if he keeps requesting, show 50:50 response, tell him you will try, and show your surprise presence afterwards! In this way, he surely would be missing you while waiting for you, and get immensely enchanted by seeing you there after short delay.
Dress classily such that your image remains in his eyes
So far you must have seen that how do you make someone miss you is not much a difficult task. All it demands is clever and reasonable approach. Now, one of the ways to make him miss you revolves around your sense of dressing. If you have real good taste of dressing yourself, it will leave you attractive and unforgettable image in his eyes and mind even after you leave. So, making someone miss you by elegant and trendy dressing is so far the easiest and most common approach to be tried by all girls.
Surprise him by leaving behind a note!
Another way of how to make someone miss you is by writing a small note, and putting it secretly inside your guy’s wallet, car or room before you leave. In this way, when he spots it later, he will love you more and starts missing you instantly. As an instance, you are having dinner with your guy in a restaurant. While he is waiting to pay the bill, take out a tissue paper or napkin already on the table, write down “I love you’ on it, and place it secretly inside his wallet or car while he drive you back. After you leave, whenever he will get to see it, he will remember this affectionate gesture, that dinner and most of all. And ultimately this remembering will make him miss you even more.