Healthy Foods to Eat for Your Beautiful Hair
You are what you eat, right? This means that you will need foods for healthy hair and foods for healthy skin. The truth is that the results of a poor diet will show first on your skin and then on your hair. The hair vitamins you have today with strengthen the hair follicles, which, in return, will produce healthy, shiny hair. Naturally healthy hair isn't all about what you eat. Other factors, such as hormonal imbalance, smoking, and sleep deprivation also have an effect on your looks. Although you can't fight these effects with food, there is a lot you could do to ensure a beautiful look, so follow the healthy hair tips.

Foods for healthy hair
1. Blueberries
2. Wild salmon
3. Walnuts
4. Oysters
5. Eggs
6. Pork tenderloin
7. Spinach
Learn How to Eat Healthier so That Your Hair to Look Better, Grow Faster and to Prevent Premature Hair Loss
So, which are healthy foods to eat if you are concerned by your hair and your skin and how to get healthy hair? Read on to find out which foods you should add to your daily diet.
1. Blueberries
In case you are asking how to eat healthier, you should give blueberries some credit. These are ranked number one when it comes to antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals, which means that they can prevent the signs of premature aging. Although you don't have to eat blueberries on a daily basis, there is no reason for you not to add some to your morning yogurt. If you happen to be looking for food for healthy skin, this is the one you should go for. Berries will make your skin glow with health and they can also prevent outbreaks.
2. Wild salmon
In order to make the best of this one of the superfoods for hair, you should opt for wild salmon, not the farm-grown kind. It is packed with vitamin D and proteins. These are both important for strong hair. To have strong and healthy hair, there is need for fatty acids that the body cannot produce. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well. This fatty acid can be found in the scalp's cells as well, along with the natural oils that keep the hair and scalp hydrated. If you don't like salmon and you are looking for some other food for healthy hair, you should consider herring, trout, sardines, and mackerel. If you don't like fish at all, other alternatives include avocados, walnuts, and pumpkin seed.
3. Walnuts
As it has been mentioned before, walnuts are high in fatty acids. You should know that these are the only nuts that contain fatty acids. Aside from this, this food good for hair is also rich in vitamin E and biotin, which protect the cells against DNA damage. This is important since people seldom shield their hair against the sun's harmful rays. If you have too little biotin in your system, it could lead to hair loss and you will have to think about female hair loss treatment. As an added bonus, walnuts also come with copper, which is a mineral that maintains your natural rich hair color. You could use this one of the biotin foods or walnut oil in salad dressings.
4. Oysters
You may not be a fan of seafood, but oysters are rich in zinc. When looking for food for hair growth (or long hair), this is the one to think about. If you don't have enough zinc in your system, it could lead to hair loss (and even to the loss of eyebrows). Having only three ounces of oysters will offer you five times the daily dose of zinc. In case you don't like this food for hair, remember that you can get zinc from wholegrain breads and fortified cereals too. However, oysters also come with protein and hair is made of 97% protein. If you don't have enough protein, your body won't be able to replace the hairs shed, which will lead to weak, brittle, and dry hair. You can replace this one of the hair superfoods with eggs, beef, and nuts.
5. Eggs
By now you may know that biotin is crucial for healthy hair and one of the foods with biotin is eggs. Your body is able to produce biotin and it can be found in numerous foods, so having a deficiency is very rare. Since biotin is produced in the intestines, if you have problems with your intestines, you should be looking for good sources of biotin. When you have a balanced diet, you won't have to think about taking biotin supplements. In case eggs aren't your thing, there are some other high biotin foods that you could be thinking about, such as peanuts, wheat bran, almonds, avocados, low-fat cheese, and salmon.
6. Pork tenderloin
If you happen to be a fan of meat, this one of the home remedies for healthy hair will work for you just fine. Pork tenderloin is rich in B vitamins, including folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. These vitamins aid the creation of blood cells to carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body, including the follicles and scalp. In case you don't have enough vitamin B in your system, your cells will starve, leading to shedding, weak hair, and slow growth. In case you are asking what to eat for healthy hair, this may not have been the answer you were hoping for. If you aren't a fan of pork, you could substitute it with wild salmon, beans, shellfish, oatmeal, eggs, chicken, low-fat dairy foods, fortified whole-grain cereals, and peanut butter.
7. Spinach
In case you want healthy hair, you have to eat the best foods for hair growth. This vegetable is great for this purpose especially because it is rich in iron and folate. The benefits of folate have already been discussed. Iron, on the other hand, helps transport oxygen to the cells. Iron deficiency leads to anemia that prevents the body from functioning properly.
Aside from foods, you could also be thinking about herbs for hair growth and vitamins to grow hair, but these work the same way as foods. As long as you have biotin in diet, you won't have to worry about how to feed hair; you will have everything at hand.