Enjoy yourself on a money free weekend
Bored with hectic week routine? Can’t think of doing any valuable thing on weekend? Spend a lot of money on buying daily necessities? When your mind will be stuck with such thoughts, two results will come out. Either, you will waste the weekend as previous ones by being conscious about your tight budget or, you will spend money without thinking on things that would not value afterwards.

So, better check out these fun things to do on the weekend which will actually prove to be entertaining, cheap and add value to your memories.
Fun cheap things to do on the weekend for avoid getting bored and entertaining yourself free-of-cost!
Weekend is here! No more need to sit idle and waste time. Simply try out these following free and fun top things to do this weekend for making your week end in the most desirable way you every thought of!
Upgrade your skills
One of the first things to do on the weekend is based on how you upgrade your skills and habits in a positive way. Being a girl, you can try out several fun things which will not only enhance your expertise, but will also cost you nothing at all. For example, if you have interest in cooking, then you can learn baking a new cake, make a steak or any other dish on the weekend. If you are fond of beautifying yourself, you can massage your face, do manicure and pedicure or even apply a hair dye, thus giving you a totally different and fresh look on weekend. Most interesting will be to try out learning different makeup or hair-styling techniques by watching tutorials on internet. Such learning will not only improve your physical look and appearance, but also give you confidence that you can learn most of the important things quite easily at your own, at your home!
Compile photos into an attractive album
Friday is ending. Your weekend is starting after few hours. Still nothing in mind related to things to do tomorrow? Why don’t dig out your photos collection, and decide to compile them into an album? For sure, this will be one of the most entertaining task you could ever try out. Girls are crazy for taking snap shots of themselves and their families, friends etc. at every moment. If you have digital photos, divide them into categories based on special days, events etc. You will be so much absorbed into doing this, that in the end despite of getting bit tired, you will feel rather more accomplished. Even if your any friend’s birthday is coming ahead, you can surprise him/her by giving a special personal photo album comprising of a recollection of her/his memories spent with you. Such cheap gifts often prove to be the most precious ones!
Have rest within a cozy environment
After a long tedious week work, one of the most desirable things to do this weekend should be based on relaxing yourself and taking a nap. It does not mean that you simply get into the bed and sleep straightaway. Rather, build a relaxing and cozy environment step by step. First of all, set your bedding filled with your favorite comfy pillows and blanket. Listen a soft music, read one of your favorite novels, or start watching your most-awaited show or movie. After a while, you will feel your mind and body so much peaceful that a most relaxing nap will take hold of you. And after waking up, you will feel that your day really paid off well, precisely at no cost!
Compile a play-rest for you boyfriend
Your checklist of top things to do on weekend should include doing something interesting for you guy. Why not compile a playlist for him based on his favorite songs? Or you can do it even better other way. Remember songs which you both heard together the very first time you both met, or try recollecting memories of the songs which played in restaurants where you went with him in initial dates. It will surely make your boyfriend a great admirable surprise, and of course, this will be among your top-rated fun things to do whenever any weekend arrives!
Visit parks, exhibitions and art galleries
Add another item to your checklist of cheap things to do on the weekend – visit nearby parks, galleries explore exhibitions. Often such events take place on the weekends. Do some research and find out if any event, for example, flower exhibition, races etc. are taking place in your nearby park. If so, go there and enjoy those outdoor cheap fun moments. Similarly, visit galleries which offer free admittance and praise the things which value most, but often get overlooked in our boring hectic lives. Moreover, if you have interest in arts, visit any art exhibitions taking place in your area, and enjoy your day ahead.
Compose your very-own Bucket list!
Another one of the fun things to do on the weekend includes composing your bucket list.
How to make a bucket list
If you've never made a bucket list before, you are probably thinking, How does it work? Don't let that stop you. Here are 3 steps to make your first bucket list.
Think of your goals, achievements, future plans and pending tasks.
Write them down on a sheet of paper.
Rate them according to their significance in your lives, prioritize!
Why even start making a bucket list, anyway?
Are you confused between deciding your future career? Write it down to discuss ahead with family and friends. Do you wish you to go to some new place in upcoming vacations? Plan it out by surfing new places on internet, rating them according to their distance, available facilities and top tourist locations. This way, you can spend a money-free weekend in deciding one of the most important things of your life.
Is getting a tattoo on your bucket list?
Even if getting a tattoo as a bucket list ideas is just not your thing, then you may still want to check out some other crazy bucket list ideas, seriously...
Do some window-shopping
One of the fun things to do this weekend should involve your friends too. Girls love doing window-shopping. So why not meet-up your best buddies and explore shopping malls. This way you can explore latest fashion trend, any discounted deals in the retail stores, and most of all, enjoy priceless times with your friends.
Redecorate your room and closets
Women are crazy about refurbishing their rooms and closets. Are you tired of your room daily look? Are things all scattered in your closest? Or are you having hard time looking for a thing when you step inside your room? Let’s end these all worries by trying these fun cheap things to do. Paint your room walls with a new color. Change the curtains accordingly. Change photos in the photo frames and wall hangings. Put on new blanket set on your bedding. Place floor cushions; wash the rug if you feel it dirty. Arrange things in your closets. Wash the dirty ones, throw away the useless ones, and arrange the important ones. And your room will be sparkling, along with a smile on your face!