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Red Wine

Food Categories
Drinks / Alcohol

Red Wine Calories and Quick Look At Nutrition Facts

Calories in Red Wine73Cal 100g
58 Cal 80g(1glass)
Diet Friendliness
Appetite Satisfaction
Nutritional Value
Noteworthy NutrientsChromium,Molybdenum
Red wine is made by fermenting dark colored grapes. The representative types of grape that are commonly used to make red wines are Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir grapes.

Culinary use of red wine is common in the cooking of meat and can be drunk alone. It can be mixed with soda and beer to make a cocktail fitting different peoples flavor preference.

Although red wine contains the same amount of calories as white wine, drinking red wine is preferred over White Wine due to the fact that it contains the antioxidant polyphenol, which is where it gets its dark color making it red.

The Red Wine Diet where you drink red wine 15 minutes before eating your even meal is said to come with benefits such as reduced hunger, lowering cholesterol levels, and even reducing edema leg swelling. (Note that the red wine diet is not recommended to pregnant women.)

Recipes using Red Wine

- Red Wine Syrup
- Tomato Florentine Soup
- Pinot Noir Preserves



Image of Red Wine

Red Wine

Additional Facts for Red Wine

Diet Friendliness
Appetite Satisfaction
Nutritional Value
Water Content88 (%)
Refuse0 (%)

Nutrition facts for Red Wine (1glass 80g)

Nutrition info displayed such as percent meal value and PFC balance scales are based on a 1800 calorie diet for women between ages 18 and 29 years old weighing around 112 pounds and daily nutritional requirements.

【Calories and Macronutrient Composition】

(Percent Meal Value)

Energy58 Cal536~751Cal
Protein0.16g (0.64 Cal)15~34g
Fat0g (0 Cal)13~20g
Carbohydrate1.2g (4.8 Cal)75~105g

【PFC Balance】

The calories in Red Wine per 80g(1glass) is 58 calories. Red Wine is calculated to be 73Cal per 100 grams making 80Cal equivalent to 109.59g with 1.2g of mostly carbohydrates、0.16g of protein、0g of fat in 80g while being rich in vitamins and minerals such as Chromium and Molybdenum.

Vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and sodium content for 80g (1glass) of Red Wine


(Percent Meal Value)

Vitamin B20.01mg0.36mg
Vitamin B60.02mg0.35mg
Pantothenic Acid0.06mg1.5mg


(Percent Meal Value)


Fatty acid composition in 80g (1glass) of Red Wine

Fatty acids found in Red Wine are either to low to display a value or unknown

Amino acid composition in 80g (1glass) of Red Wine

Amino acids found in Red Wine are either to low to display a value or unknown

*Note that do to rounding some nutrient values are shown as not contained in some cases.

*Calculated assuming a 1800 calorie diet of a normal women age 18 to 29 around 112 pounds weight.

*The exact vitamin and mineral content may depend on the method of cooking preparation, transportation method, and processed used for long term storage, collectively.

*Calculated calorie results may vary within a margin of several calories.

12 ways to Burn 58Cal

Red Wine:Aerobic exercise duration required to burn 58 calories per 80g (1glass)

  • Walking22min
  • Jogging13min
  • Cycling / Biking / Spinning9min
  • Jumping Rope7min
  • Stretching26min
  • Climbing Steps8min
  • Vacuuming19min
  • Cleaning Bath Tub18min
  • Water Walking17min
  • Swimming9min
  • Aerobics10min
  • Boxercising11min

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