Time heals all wounds
Stop worrying and start living.
Next time you're feeling hopeless, remember that time heals all wounds. You must believe that things will get better. Everything in life is temporary. Whether things are going good or going bad, keep in mind that it won't last forever. This is from an optimist's point of view. Even if you are able to always hope for a better future, you cannot expect a better future to be nothing but smooth sailing.

Ways to let go of painful memories
1. Acknowledge mistakes
2. Gain big-picture perspective
3. Give yourself time to recover
Life has Ups and Downs. On Your Journey to Happiness Never Forget that Time Heals All Wounds. Enjoy the Good and Hang in There through the Bad
Completely letting go isn't easy.
Time tends to heal emotional wounds more slowly than physical wounds. Like in case of significant physical wounds, they often leave a scar that never quite fully heals.
1. People make mistakes
When your trust is broken, it is hard to put the pieces back together. You can keep ties, but that one instance remains in the back of your mind. To fully forgive and forget, it's important to understand that people make mistakes.

Anyone you feel deserves to be your friend should deserve more than one chance to prove themselves. So don't be so quick to dismiss people based on one experience and let time decide what happens.
Be forgiving
If you stop and think for a moment, you'll realize that our mistakes are inevitable. We will continue making them, and we will forget about past mistakes we have made. So why are we so critical of other people's mistakes? We need to be more forgiving and understanding. Don't expect someone else to do a job that only you know how to do perfectly. It takes a strong woman to own up to her mistakes, and it takes an even stronger woman to forgive others for their mistakes. Do both of these and watch people start to do the same for you in return. Time will heal whatever mistakes you have made.
Never make the same mistake twice
Part of the mourning process of a painful memory means never having to experience the pain a second time. Those memories etched in our minds of our own misfortune should be stored as far back in the mind as possible; but not so far back that you repress that memory. Because if you forget about your mistakes, then you don't learn from them and you keep making them over and over again. It's normal to make mistakes, but it's counterintuitive to keep making the same mistake over again. Even though it may be painful, it's important to have those unfortunate memories remembered and accounted for. If we don't learn from our past then we can't improve our future.
Learn from your mistakes
Some people never learn from their mistakes, and thus the healing process takes longer for them. Compare it to wounds that never heal. Someone just keeps picking at it so the scab is forced to turn into a scar that will show permanently for life. This is how mistakes work sometimes; if you don't learn from your mistakes then they have a tendency to become chronic problems. Oftentimes they can cause chronic health problems or just serve as a pain in your side until you address the problem. Forgetting painful memories is difficult, but becomes easier when you start learning from your mistakes.
2. Sometimes All That's Required is a Wake-Up Call
After a bad experience, we all need time to recover. Whether it's by yourself or with others, find things you enjoy doing to pass the time during a down-point in your life. Even unproductive activity, like watching cartoons, is much better than lying in bed thinking about how awful your life is at the moment.

When things are going bad and you ruminate in negative thoughts for too long, sometimes you need a wake-up call. Whether it's a friend or a movie to guide you out of your funk, understand that things aren't all that bad. Sometimes putting your life in perspective compared to the rest of the world can make your own problems seem small in comparison.
Gain some perspective
A little bit of perspective never hurt anybody. There are many ways to wake yourself up to a painful truth and harsh reality. The truth is the hardest pill to swallow. But once you begin to accept things for the way they are, you will move on eventually. It just takes time heal everything in order to find the perspective in it. Having a carefree attitude also helps in the process. In order to see the light side of life, you have to be willing to laugh at yourself as well as others. Life shouldn't be so serious all the time.
A simple reminder
Confusion is darkness and understanding is the light that shows us the way during the night. It's important to understand the truth in times of crisis so that we can avoid the painful memories. Time is the one thing we will always have on our side. A wake-up call could be found in almost anything. A simple reminder that time heal all wounds and that life is short can do a lot to keep us motivated to move on from a painful past.
3. How Long Will it Take to Recover?
There is no one answer for the timeframe to recover from all of life's problems and emotional stress; it depends on the situation. Time always does its job in helping with healing. The question is: are you doing your job of leaving your past behind? Or are you using it as an excuse to isolate yourself? Healing happens unconsciously and unexpectedly when you start noticing the happier things in life. All of a sudden, everything doesn't seem so bleak and you can let out a laugh every once in a while.

Be patient and understand that the healing process isn't always as quick as we want it to be. Hang in there and remember that there are many ways to fill the void that others leave.
Anger, depression, and remorse are some of the feelings we get after thinking about our recent breakup. Think of it this way: the relationship couldn't have been that great or you two wouldn't have broken up. Forget about getting back together; it's time to start thinking about how to let go of painful memories such as getting over him. "Trial separation" under any circumstance usually makes very little difference in fixing the relationship. Two mature people, who love and respect each other should never require an extended amount of time apart to fix their problems. So once you get over a breakup, forget about it and let nature take its course.
Don't sweat the small things
Time heals all wounds when it comes to relationships. If there is tension, frustration, or worry, let it all go. Start doing things that aren't related to your relationship and let time solve everything. Best case scenario is that he contacts you. Worst case is he doesn't. If he doesn't, no point in worrying about that either, as the relationship must have never been that strong to begin with. Misunderstanding is the number one cause of failed relationships. The solution: let the small stuff slide and enjoy your time together. Most relationship problems can be solved through having a life outside of your relationship to fall back on.
Easy come, easy go is one life motto that you've probably heard. Friends come and go like the wind. Of course it's important to nurture each friendship with care and occasionally rekindle good times with old friends. Nonetheless, don't put too much emphasis in one friendship to the point when you are putting all your eggs in one basket. Expand your social circle and leave all of your options open. People you think as good friends could be gone one day and a stranger becomes a good friend the next.
Friendships come and go
After high school or university, people's lives change quickly and drastically. In your adolescent years and young adulthood nothing really lasts forever. Respect others' choices and foster their growth and they will want to keep you in their lives. Ask them why they seem distant, question their choices and you will push them even further away .
The death of friendship is one thing, but the actual death of a person close to you is in another ballpark entirely. Most probably that is the most traumatizing experience someone can have early in their life. There will always be feelings of sadness, anger, depression, and remorse in lost lives. Instead of asking yourself what more you could have done, focus on the positive moments you shared. If that person really loved you, they wouldn't want you to feel guilty in any way about their passing away. If you can remember the first time someone passed away that you loved, feel free to share your experience in the comment box. Does that emotional wound ever heal? If it does, how to move on and how to let go? Do you think that time heals all wounds?
Time heals all and acceptance
Your life is a complex puzzle, where all the pieces eventually fall in place. It's not an overnight process. However, if you can learn to accept things the way they are, then time heals all. Trust the process; spend your life worrying less and living more.