Are International Relationships for You?
If you can't find the man of your dreams in the country, it doesn't mean he doesn't exist. It only means that you can't reach him, so why not think about international dating? Before deciding to take matters into your own hands, you have to know about the rules of dating, such as the open relationship dating rules. Don't take things internationally until you have all the information you need. Here are some aspects you should think about and that could influence the decision you make. Ensure that you give the matter a lot of thought and dive in only if you are sure about what you want to do.

International dating questions
1. Do the marriages last?
If you get an international date, you may wonder whether your relationship is doomed right from the start. The truth is that people like to talk about horror stories because they sell better than the heartwarming stories. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean that your relationship is doomed as well.
2. Is it for losers?
International dating isn't for losers! It is irrational to believe that everybody's soulmate lives in the same city or state as they do. The fact that you're willing to accept that your soulmate might be living in another country only means that you are more open-minded than the rest of the people.
3. Are international dating agencies a scam?
It is a fact that international dating agencies could be scams. However, there are some ways for you to protect yourself against these. You shouldn't think that all of them are scams. There are some that really want to help people find their true love.
4. Is it only for rich people?
Wealth and love shouldn't be connected. This means that you can find your true love even if you don't have a fat bank account. Also keep in mind that you don't have to give a potential soulmate any money for them to be interested in you.
5. Am I attractive enough?
Did you ever have the feeling that others are just too beautiful to be with you? While in your country having a beautiful partner is a pretty of beautiful or rich people, this doesn't apply to the rest of the world.
6. Is the market oversaturated?
You can be sure that there are thousands of foreign people looking for love, just like you. However, it might be time-consuming and overwhelming to look through all those profiles. Never give up. Maybe the next profile you look at will be a true winner.
International Dating Is a Whole Different Cup of Tea, but Is It Your Cup of Tea and How Could It Enlarge Your Horizon?
So, why should you get an international date? All these reasons enough for you to give up looking for love right where you are and start looking at the other side of the world?
1. Do the marriages last despite the horror stories?

When it comes to international relationships for sure you have heard numerous stories of people who thought they found love, but it turned out that the other person was only looking for a green card. All people know such stories because they horrify people and they look good in the media. People don't really talk about relationships that started out this way and lasted forever. Some of the studies suggest that these relationships last longer than traditional ones because the partners have more realistic expectations.
Another aspect you could be thinking about regarding foreign dating is divorce. Although people don't really think about divorce when starting a relationship, it is a real possibility. Some of the international relationships might end with divorce, but statistically speaking, more domestic couples get divorced than international couples. This means that the odds are in your favor.
2. Is it for losers? Do you stand a chance?

If you tell someone about your international relationship, they might think that you want to get an international boyfriend simply because you aren't able to find one in your city. However, this isn't necessarily the case. It is possible you don't have success with men in your country because you have different views of life or because they can't understand you. If you find someone from another country who accepts you the way you are, why not start a relationship with them?
Looking for a partner in your country means that you are limiting yourself and your possibilities. An international dating service could bring the world closer and it could help you find that special someone you have been looking for. One hundred years ago this wasn't a possibility, so people were forced to choose someone within a reasonable distance. However, technology brings the whole world to your fingertips.
3. Are international dating agencies a scam? All of them?

Let's face it: everything that's online can be a scam, just like online shopping. If you are thinking about international dating agencies, you should treat them as online shops: choose a reputable one and you will be happy with the services. There are some practices to assure you that you won't get scammed. For instance, you should never send money to a person you don't know. Also make sure that the other person answers precisely the questions you ask them. If the answers seem to be copy/pasted or form answers, you can be sure that there is something off.
To make sure that everything goes according to plan, you shouldn't agree to anything that you're not sure of. A lot of people make marriage promises to people they never met. In the real world you'd wait with such a big decision and you should do the same in the online world as well. Maybe things won't go the way you planned. However, that doesn't mean that you got scammed. You think that every date that doesn't work out is a scam?
4. Is it only for rich people? Is it about wealth?

If you ask about international online dating, some people might say that it is all about money. Don't forget that you don't have to buy people. Some of the people you will meet online might be in it for the money, but others are truly looking for their soulmate. However, one of the best ways to protect your wealth is to make sure that your money has a greater fortune than yours. This doesn't make you a gold-digger. It only ensures you that your assets will be protected in case of marriage.
Another aspect of international dating you could be worried about is the costs involved. In some cases it could turn out to be quite expensive, but so could be domestic dating. The best thing you could do is to set a budget and stick to it. You don't have to go and visit all the people who have a nice profile. Choose a few that you are really interested in and set up meetings with them. Maybe they will even come to you.
5. Am I attractive enough? Is it only for pretty people?

Being self-conscious doesn't help in any situation. If you are thinking about international dating online, the people looking for others aren't only interested in their looks. As a matter of fact, age and looks are only a small piece of the puzzle. In situations of this kind your personality is a lot more important than the way you look. However, if a man states that he is interested in women between the ages of 20 and 30 and he is at least 60, you can be almost sure that he is not right for you. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't give him a chance.
Beauty means something different in every culture and in every country. Even if some might say that you aren't pretty or that you have some flaws, it doesn't mean that you will never find someone who will consider you attractive. As a matter of fact, men might be standing in line just to speak to you. The same goes for men as well: they might not be considered attractive in their own country, but you may find them simply adorable.
6. Is the market oversaturated? Are there too many profiles?

If you feel like you can't choose because there are too many profiles, you should start with the basic aspects: age, interests, education, background, and so on. Thing about all the things that would disqualify someone and let them go. You can be sure that there will be plenty left even after this selection.
In case money is a problem, you should be looking for international dating free offers. There are numerous agencies offering free services until you find the most suitable partner.