How to Keep in Contact with the People You Like
Sometimes people have to think about staying in touch because one of them moves away or simply because they have busy schedules. It is common for friends to drift apart simply because of the lack of communication. However, the good news is that there are many ways for you to make sure this won’t happen to you. Most probably you know why you should never burn bridges and you know who the most important people in your life are. Follow the tips we have gathered to make sure you don’t lose the friends you care the most about.

1. Talk on the phone often
Talking on the phone is the most convenient way to stay in touch. You don’t have to talk for hours, but you should make sure you share all the relevant information about your life. If you call, your friend will return the favor too.
2. Skype
Making calls has a certain cost, so if you would like to reduce the costs, you can always turn to Skype. This is also convenient and easy to use, not to mention that domestic calls are free. Why not make use of it?
3. Email for unimportant things
If you would like to keep in contact, think about writing emails. The best thing about emails is that you can write one using your smartphone, so you can send messages even while you’re on vacation.
4. Write a letter from time to time
Nobody really writes letters anymore, so just imagine how surprised your friend would be to receive a letter from you. You shouldn’t worry about being boring. Just the fact that you’ve written a letter sends a strong message.
5. Send a greeting card for special occasions
Although they aren’t as popular as they used to be, sending greeting cards is still a good way to keep ties. There are hundreds of designs for you to choose from. Make sure you get one that will make your friend laugh.
6. Make communication a habit
To make sure you won’t forget to communicate, you should set aside 15 minutes per day to talk to your friends. While at the beginning this will be a special task, after a while you will get used to it and there will be no way for you to forget about it.
Learn How to Keep Contact with the People Who Are Important in Your Life so That They Know How You Feel about Them
So, what do you have to do if you want to stay in touch? Try all the methods you can find until you decide which one works the best for you.
1. Talk on the phone often, almost daily
Some people just love talking on the phone and it is a very good way to keep in contact. You should make sure you talk to at least one person every day. You don’t have to make it a long call. Usually it is enough to speak for 5 minutes. In this time you can let them know everything that’s going on in your life and they can share major events with you as well. The point is to let your friend know you are interested in them and in what they have been up to. Most probably they are interested in you as well, so you should share some information about your life as well.
If you would like to keep ties, forget about procrastination. Telling yourself that you will call your friend later doesn’t do any good to anybody. If you remember you should call someone, do it as soon as you can or you will forget it. You can have all the good intentions in the world if you don’t actually act on them.
2. Skype is a great tool for you
In case you are worried about your phone bill but you want to keep contact with your friends, you might want to turn to Skype. The good thing about it is that you can use it to make phone calls, voice calls, video calls, or send instant messages and all this is for free. Can it get any better? Just make sure your friend has an account with Skype as well, get in touch, and you can call them or send them a message anytime you’d like. You can also use Skype to get in touch with people you lost contact with. If you have a common friend who knows their ID, you can add them to your list.
Technology makes it very easy to keep in touch. You just have to make sure you make the best of everything it has to offer. Aside from Skype there are some other services as well that offer voice call options and instant messaging, including Facebook. Is there a person left in this world who doesn’t have a Facebook account?
3. Email for unimportant things, just to talk to your friends
You don’t need a specific reason to send an email to your friend. It is easy to keep in touch with email. All you have to do is to write your message and hit the send button. The good thing about sending emails is that you don’t have to hang around until your friend replies. You send them your message and they will get back to you when they get the chance. There is almost no limit when it comes to the length of your message. As a result you can use this means of communication if you want to tell someone all about your latest vacation. In our days there is also the possibility to add emoticons to the message to make it easier to understand.
Another good think about emails if you want to keep contact is that you can attach files. You could send pictures of yourself if you haven’t seen each other for a while or a photo of that dress you just bought for your friend to give an opinion.
4. Write a letter from time to time for a change
Do you still remember how to write a letter? If someone says “let’s keep in touch”, sending letters is a very good way to do so. Everybody likes to receive letters, so why not make your friend happy? If you don’t know where to start, you should tell them you miss them. Then go on telling them about everything that happened to you lately. You might think that they will find your latter boring, but remember that a true friend is always interested in what their friend is up to. Tell them everything so that they will feel closer to you.
Some people might say that it is difficult to write letters because it is different from speaking. You shouldn’t worry about the rules and write just as if you were talking to your friend. Make sure you use words and phrases that express your feelings and thoughts exactly. You can finish your letter with emoticons or X’s and O’s, whatever seems suitable to you.
5. Send a greeting card for special occasions and not only
You might prefer to stay in touch with postcards. There aren’t many people who like sending postcards anymore, but that doesn’t mean your friend wouldn’t appreciate a postcard from you from time to time. There are thousands of different designs for you to choose from, so you should pick one that will make your friend laugh or that has a special meaning for the two of you. If you would like to send something more special, you could think about the musical cards. These are the ones that sing when you open them.
If you feel really creative, you could also send a homemade postcard. A lot of friends say “please keep in touch”. If this is the case, you could let your friend know they are special to you by making a postcard just for them. There are numerous DIY options you can find on the internet, or you could simply take a picture of yourself or of a special landscape. Creating a collage is also a good idea and you can be sure your friend will appreciate it as well.
6. Make communication a habit on an everyday basis
You might tell your friend “we will keep in touch”, but remember the saying “Out of sight, out of mind?” If you really want to keep in touch, you should make it a habit. Make it your goal to talk to your friends at least 15 minutes per day. Soon you will get used to it and it won’t seem a chore anymore. Aside from this, people will start responding in the same way.
In case you tell yourself “I will keep in touch” and you really mean it, for sure you will find a way to make it happen.