Improve memory
Wouldn't it be nice if you could remember everything?
Your memory is one of the most important assets you have. All your experiences define who you are as persons and by losing memories you could also lose a part of yourself. This is one of the reasons to be thinking about how to improve your memory. Memory improvement is also important for the people in the learning process, such as students. They have to be able to store a large quantity of new information in a limited amount of time, so they should use all the help they can get. The good news is that there are some methods that could help you in improving your memory.

How to improve your memory
1. Eat right
2. Exercise enough
3. Multitask less
4. Sleep more
5. Play games
6. Socialize
7. Meditate
8. Improve learning
9. Queue up
Memory Improvement Tips for You to Be Able to Make All Those Small Details That Make up the Whole of Your Life Unforgettable
So, how to improve memory? What do you have to do to make your memories last and to speed up the learning process?
1. Diet for better memory

Watch what you eat
Try remember what you at in the morning as an exercise you do every day. It just happens that paying attention to the foods you put in your body helps improve your memory tenfold. Be able to answer your favorite question, "What did you have for breakfast this morning?" any time during the day. While you are at it... here are some great breakfast ideas.
If you wish to improve memory, it is important to remember that the foods you eat and don't eat have an important role to play in your mental capacity. It is crucial for you to have fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also some types of food you should avoid, such as grain carbohydrates and sugar. Make sure you add to your diet curry, broccoli, celery, walnuts, and cauliflower. Animal based omega-3 fatty acids are also important for your brain. Coconut oil is known to aid brain function too. Having thee foods in your diet will ensure that your brain is in good shape to be able to work properly.
Consider also looking into vitamins and supplements that boost brain power such as vitamin B12. If you aren't getting the required nutrition in your daily diet, perhaps some morning multivitamins will make all the difference in your quest for better memory.
2.Get more exercise

Workout your memory
We all know it requires a different set of mental muscles to exercise your brain for say. Though that does keep physical exercise from being one of the simplest ways to improve memory hands down. So if you really want to improve your memory and haven't started exercising yet, suit up. It's yoga pants time.
When it comes to memory improvement tips, you should know that when you exercise your body, you also exercise your brain. This is because the nerve cells multiply while exercising. During your workout sessions the brain releases proteins that promote good health and that have a direct effect on cognitive functions, such as learning. Having regular exercises don't only improve the blood flow to the brain, but some studies show that it can also help people learn to perform certain tasks faster. In time the brain's capacity to store information decreases, but it seems like in case of people who work out this capacity expands over time.
Exercise has the effect of boosting your life through bad events and sour moods. It can turn a cloudy day in the morning to a sunny clear day in the afternoon. All that's required is the will to get out of bed and give your body the workout it needs. If it were anyone's choice, we would just not work out. It's hard, makes us sweaty, and takes up 30 minutes or an hour of our time. But there is no question that we all require that exercise to live healthy normal lives. There's no use fighting against the science of our bodies and minds.
3. Quit multitasking so much

Does multitasking less help you remember more?
A lot of people consider it a positive characteristic to be able to multitask, perform several tasks at once. If you are looking for a way to improve on your memory, you should stop trying to multitask because what it does in fact is to slow you down. In the same time you will also be more likely to make mistakes and it is common for multitasking to make people more forgetful. In case you manage to focus on only one activity at a time, such as learning, your results will improve dramatically in a short while. This doesn't mean that you have a simple mind; it only means that you are mindful.
Sometimes we tend to multitask and don't even know it. If you do multiple tasks throughout the day at the same time, it stands to argue that only focusing on one of those tasks at a time will free up your mind to be more efficient and memorize things more effectively. It also eliminates due stress and energy. Multitasking is only necessary when there is no other choice. Those who focus on one thing at a time often live more enjoyable lives.
4. Sleep for brainpower

Allow your brain to change
If you have a good night's sleep, your thoughts will be clearer the next morning. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to control us. Plasticity happens when the brain is stimulated. Nonetheless, during sleep some changes occur in the brain, which promote plasticity. According to studies, synaptic connections are strengthened during sleep. When asking how to increase brain power, you should think about infants as well. Studies show that a nap can boost a baby's brainpower. The babies who learned something before napping and performed after napping had very good results, which indicate that sleep improves cognitive development.
Not only the amount of sleep, but the quality of sleep plays an important role as well. Without the restful REM sleep that comes from a full 8 hours of sleep at night, you are missing out on an important part of your circadian rhythm that repairs your brain and allows you to store your memories long-term. Those frequent 30 minute naps during the day aren't doing the job. You need to set enough time every night to get the sleep you need or you are not maximizing the potential of your memory power. If you have issues remembering things lately, sleep is the most likely culprit. Even if you get a full 8 hours, it might not be restful sleep and something could be interrupting your sleep cycle such as stress.
5. Games

Enter mind games
It is a known fact that if you don't challenge your brain, it will start to deteriorate. If you would like to know how to increase memory, a good place to start is to play mind games. In case you would like to improve your cognitive function, you should sacrifice at least 20 minutes per day of your time for this activity. However, you shouldn't spend more than 5-7 minutes with one activity. This is because after this period of time the benefits weaken. The only downside of mind games is that it is another task you have to fit in your already too busy day.
6. Social activities

Don't isolate yourself
Humans are known to be social beings. This is why they cannot develop or thrive in isolation. Human relationships represent great stimulation for the brain. As a matter of fact, human interactions are the best stimulation for the brain. As one of the memory strategies, you should have meaningful human relations that will lead to emotional health and brain health. There is a lot you could do to make the best of your human relationships. You could be thinking about volunteering, hang out with friends more often, join a club, or call your friends more frequently on the phone.
Communication is also an important part of improving memory that needs to be maintained like any other skill. Without speaking and hearing and processing words, we are not using that part of our mind and it goes rusty. We need to regularly upkeep the part of our mind used for communication in order to keep our memory sharp.
7. Meditation

Work your pre-frontal cortex
While some people might think that meditation only means sitting still and humming, the truth is that the benefits are really piling up. According to the studies, meditation has numerous health benefits, including improving certain conditions, such as anxiety, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, an chronic pain. In the same time meditation can also improve concentration, focus, memory, reasoning and learning skills, and creativity. In case you are looking to increase memory, you should know that meditation works by changing the brain. During this activity, you make the prefrontal cortex work.
Meditation is also very simple and doesn't require any money. It is truly an aspect of life that many fail to appreciate and understand the power of. There are many different ways to practice meditation, and there are many different reasons for doing it. If your goal is to improve your memory, meditation has a calming effect which makes your mind clear and able to retain information easier.
8. Improve on the way you learn things

Find the way that works best for you
When you wish to achieve memory enhancement to speed up the learning process, there are some tips you could use. Make sure that you actually pay attention on what you would like to learn. Also try to involve all of your senses while relating to information you already know. If there is something complex you have to learn, you should start with understanding the basic ideas. Once you have learned the information, you should spend some time repeating it.
There are ways to get your mind working in overtime by activating parts of your brain that are often left untouched by the time we reach adulthood. Using Mnemonic devices to help remember words or concepts is an underrated and useful memory tool. Without ways to sort and organize that incoming information, the important details of our lives can often slip under the cracks.
Everybody is different. Don't think that because something worked for someone else that it isn't right. Here's another way to remember things you may like. Hint: It's a little lefty.
9. Give yourself time to remember things
Memory comes down to one thing, remembering things.
Instead of looking at memory as some on-demand function you can perform most of the time; think of memory as something you can control in a way that resembles a queue.
Put everything you forget in your queue so that you remember it later when the memory is ready. So next time you can't remember that thing, don't sweat it. Give yourself a mental note and move on.
Surely, it will come to you later.
Is improving your memory even possible?
Improving your memory isn't an impossible task. However, you shouldn't expect it to happen from one day to the other. Think of your brain as a muscle: you have to work a muscle in order for it to become stronger. You have to work your brain to make it function better.