The blueberry diet is the perfect blend between belly fat weight loss and rejuvenating health. Get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to lose belly fat, lower cholesterol, and get a better grip on your blood sugar eating healthy blueberries daily. Lose weight dieting while eating healthy on the blueberry diet.
- What the blueberry diet is all about
- How to make eating blueberries work
- Blueberry health benefits
- The bottom line
What is the blueberry diet?
The Blueberry Diet is a fruit diet that helps you lose belly fat by taking advantage of the health benefits of eating blueberries such as the positive effect its Antioxidants such as anthocyanin have on your body, Vitamin C to keep your immune system strong, and Vitamin E for antiaging.
How much fruit should you be getting daily?
Getting at least 2 cups of fruit a day is recommended for men and women between the ages 14 and 30. After 30, having only 1 and a half cups of fruit is recommended. However, this is only the bottom line on how m9uch fruit you should be getting daily.
How the blueberry diet works
Eat 2-3 cups of blueberries a day
Similar to the way other fruit diets work; you will start your day off with a bowl of blueberries for breakfast. Then as you progress through your day, you will have another bowl of blueberries for lunch. If you are up to it, you can have blueberries with dinner also. At bare minimum, having a cup of blueberries for breakfast and lunch help you clear the minimal requirement of the blueberry diet
Blueberry diet tips
1. Don't be afraid to mix and match
Like deciding what you wardrobe you are going to wear in the morning, figuring out what makes the best complement to you blueberry diet can be a daunting task to say the very list. What am I going to wear!?
Luckily for you blueberries, in addition to being a scare in the thought of getting on the new clothes you just bought, are one of those foods that go with just about anything. Whatever you are in the mood for…
Blueberries have a mood for just about any occasion. Eat them raw, in a bowl of yogurt, or part of the big picture in the
blueberry-banana yogurt smoothie you've been whipping up in the morning.
Combining blueberries with other fruits (apples, oranges, grapes, etc.) like other food combining recipes takes advantage of the synergetic effect of combining fruits and vegetables with natural phytochemicals.
2. Take a break when you need it
For anyone who has ever experience a setback in diet and exercise whether that may be gaining weight back after trying so hard to lose weight in a short period of time or just not feeling motivated as you used to feel, running out of gas from not taking the breaks you need is the stone cold killer of all diets.
There are 3 reasons why people quit their diet. The first is success. Sweet success so that you can keep it up. The seconds is utter defeat because your diet just wasn't working. Maybe you just chose the wrong diet. The last is a little in the between…
There are all kinds of stuff that happens to your body when you are stressed. Failure to take breaks may cause stress buildup. Not only does stress affect you interpersonally, in the work place, and at home, it works its way into your diet and exercise routine like a virus.
Taking the breaks you need whether that is from exercise or dieting (eating blueberries) is important for stable weight loss.
3. Make it a snack
Salvaging up enough willpower to make it between meals can be tough. For people that can make it, snacking is the only way to go.
One of the healthy snacking tips that is not a bad idea to go by is that if it's between 100 and 200 calories, it is a snack that is not to heavy, not to light, just right.
The amount calories in a bowl of blueberries is somewhere between 100-150 calories, which looks like a cereal bowl full of berries.
Health benefits of eating blueberries
Eating blueberries may help you lose belly fat, lower cholesterol, and improve glucose control providing benefits in terms of weight loss and your health. Studies show weight loss is not enough. With the number of people diagnosed with diabetes and metabolic syndrome on the rise, losing weight at the cost of health is not recommended.
Lose belly fat
Blueberry antioxidants have been linked to the banishing of belly fat, heart disease, and diabetes.
Not only do they change how glucose is stored and processed in the body, a diet rich in the antioxidant Anthocyanin has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Anthocyanin is an antioxidant also found in eggplants, an autumn seasonal food that is not recommended to feed to a daughter-in-law. Unlike eggplant blueberries don't come with the same bloating effect on your body.
As it turns out there are many health benefits of anthocyanin that can also be found in Kuromame black soybeans such as: cancer prevention, antiaging, lowers chances of developing illnesses like arteriosclerosis.
For people unable to buy fresh Kuromame or blueberriesbut would still like to get anthocyanin, drinking black soybean tea for anthocyanin is one way to get the benefits of anthocyanin despite the season.
Studies show weight loss in lab rats on a blueberry diet despite being on a high fat diet.
Lower cholesterol
Blueberries act as a natural cholesterol blocker.
How it works is that it reduces the production of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme produced by your liver to make cholesterol.
It is the same approach used by toxic cholesterol lowering statin drugs.
However, unlike statin drugs that can potentially damage your liver, blueberries have little burden on your liver.
Improve glucose control
Blueberry polyphenols may help prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
A diet rich in blueberry polyphenols has been shown to help the body combat high blood sugar giving you insulin resistance that translates into glucose control.
- As much as 8.3 percent of the population of the United States is said to have diabetes. That's over 200 million children and adults in the US.
- Moreover, twice the amount (50 million people) are said to have metabolic syndrome, whether that be diagnosed or not.
For people suffering from diabetes or metabolic syndrome, blueberry polyphenols may be just the trick to improve glucose control keeping your blood pressure from getting too high.
The bottom line on the blueberry diet
We've seen it time and time again, the diet that rules them all. Since the beginning when to it would seem that the latest source of information regarding dieting and exercise was as you would expect Seen on TV.
Although there is no specific scientific evidence that going on a blueberry diet is going to help you lose 10 pounds in 21 day. However, just as you would expect from any diet that is worth more than 20 dollars, diversifying the foods you eat provides the best balance and nutrition as well as giving you enough freedom to try new things.
It is the nature of human being to keep trying new things. In dieting that means to keep yourself unplugged from the plan and start thinking on your feet. That is why in this blueberry diet the only directive to follow is to eat 2-3 bowls of blueberries a day. That's the only rule to the blueberry diet.