Make the World a Better Place: Respect Your Elders
What if we showed the same amount of care for our parents in their later years as we show our children growing up? The elderly generation of today is often taken for granted. It's a shame; all that wisdom and experience without having anybody to learn from it. It goes to show that with a little bit of love and compassion the world would be better off if people were working together, united rather than divided.
You are told to respect your elders while growing up, but for what purpose? The fact they are human and living should be reason enough. The ways to practice good manners includes respecting our elders as they are our most valued asset for paving a better future. They have seen things in their lifetimes that would benefit mankind; if only we would pay attention to what they have to say.

Ways to respect your elders
1. Volunteer
2. Protect parents
3. Offer help
4. Lend an ear
5. Give gifts
Respect Your Elders; Especially Your Parents. Sooner or Later You Will Understand the Impact that the Elderly Have on Society
Wouldn't you appreciate children that are beside you on your deathbed someday? Care for your aging parents, because good things happen if you respect your elders.
1. Volunteer Your Time at the Local Retirement Home
War veterans and survivors of the Great Depression will appreciate your visit, regardless whether you are a stranger or not. These people have lived through some troubling times and they are always happy to enlighten someone who will lend an ear. If you truly respect your elders, volunteering at a nursing home is the best way to show that you care. It will benefit you anyways, as more history can be learned from their stories than you will ever learn in school.
Volunteering Can be a Fun Experience
You might not think that nursing homes can be a fun way to spend your weekend, but you might be surprised. There are also many other ways to volunteer your time to help the elderly. Get involved in your community and start giving back to the people who paved the way for your generation.
Charitable Deeds Don't Go Unnoticed
By visiting your local nursing home and visiting the elders, you will make friends and improve the lives of others. Part of being an independent adult in today's society means sacrificing your time to help make your community a better place. Listening to the stories of the elderly can help them regain a little bit of the independence they lost. Let them live vicariously through you and your effort to make the world a better place.
2. Protecting Your Parents from Harm
Safeguard the health and safety of your parents by the time you reach adulthood. By doing so you are preserving your family's heritage for your children. The one thing your parents want the most is to be able to live long enough to see their grandchildren. Don't disappoint your parents by neglecting them, because it would show you don't care about your family. Your boyfriend wants to see you having a good relationship with your mother and father as well.
Keep in Touch
Respect your elders by keeping family ties. Protect their health and finances from the people who are trying to take advantage of them at their old age. It's not always easy and can cause a lot of stress, but it's the right thing to do. Sometimes all it takes is talking to them. If you can do the simple act of keeping in touch with your parents while they are still in your life, you can show them that you care.
3. Offer a Ride
Despite what you may think, senior citizens don't just stay at home all day, every day. They have things they need to do and places they need to go. Consider giving them transportation on the way to do their chores and they will be forever grateful. Lack of adequate transportation for the handicapped is the primary cause of the elderly isolating themselves. So do your part little by little to help them out.
4. Offer Your Assistance
People like you still exist
The elderly should receive priority treatment when in distress because they aren't physically able to do things that the rest of us are. In public, treat all of the elderly like they are your family. Be friendly and smile and most of them will be thankful people like you still exist. Represent the youth of today's society by setting the right example. Don't let them feel like all of their hard work with their kids went to waste.
Start a Conversation
Even if it is with an old stranger, give it a try. A good start is to simply ask if they need any help with anything. Offering your assistance in any way possible is the best conversation-starter. It shows you respect your elders and that you understand the importance that they have in society. Remember to be patient and listen before talking. They have a lot to say, so you should just let them talk as much as they want.
What Many People Don't Consider
When you meet elderly people, they are often very quick to open up to you. In fact, don't be surprised if they ask you to meet their family. Getting into the lives of the elderly is a great way to make new friends. They will just be happy that you are talking to them, so much so that they will feel indebted to you. But all you are doing is being a kind person. So it really does pay off to respect your elders.
5. Give a Meaningful Gift
Remember, you are not the only person lonely
If you can't spare any of your own time to help a senior in need, then show your appreciation by giving them a plant or a pet to take care of. Many elderly folk have families that take them for granted and they get lonely. Even having a new friend or something to spend their time with can make all the difference in their lives. Not only that, but having something to take care of will give them motivation to keep on living for a long time to come.