Physician assisted weight loss give you the diet support you need to lose weight without failure. In an era of eating high calorie fatty foods and more and more people putting on excess fat, professional health practice has what it needs to satisfy the needs of obese patients. What help is available?
Assisted weight loss to lose weight
Whether you are a man or a women, eat too much, lack exercise, you know that the number of overweight people is not decreasing. Weights issues are on the rise, so what do you do? - Get immediate assistance.
Nowadays you don't have to suffer with nowhere to go when dealing with the impossible task of losing weight, there is physician assisted weight loss (diet support) that wants you to come in for obesity treatment
Physician assisted weight loss explores all routes in treatment for obesity from the cause of obesity to establish a more targeted approach for obesity treatment. With specialist and medical staff, you have all the support you can get.
What causes obesity?
Until recently, obese people were blamed as the cause for their obesity. In fact there are other factors that come into play that are uncontrollable. You can deal with excess calorie intake, stress, lack of exercise, poor lifestyle habits; but you will have your plate full trying to change your genetic code. That's right; obesity may be influenced by genetics.
Genetics of obesity
While scientists were just getting hang of how gene expressions translate into the lives of real life humans, a discovery was made. There may be genetics for obesity called, "the obesity gene." In fact, the obesity gene is no one gene. It is actually a collection of genes that get grouped together like heart disease and hypercholesterolemia. The obesity is not a single gene but a collection of genes thought to be connected to obesity.
Obesity genes are said to affect your metabolism. There are said to be specific genes that inhibit the breakdown of neutral fat and those that may lower your metabolism.
There are some that believe that the genetics of obesity started a long time ago when starvation was much more prevalent. Over time humans adapted but what remained was gene expressions telling their bodies to store away fat like there is no tomorrow that is otherwise known as the thrifty gene.
Recent studies indicate that some obesity genes are responsible for brown fat cell deactivation which when it comes down to it reduces the amount of calories you burn overtime. It is said that 1 in 4 people are affected by this obesity gene making it easy to gain weight. Even still that doesn't mean you have to give up even if you are more inclined than others to become obese. Here are 10 ways to prevent obesity that are worth trying out.
Metabolic syndrome
Although obesity isn't a disease complication such as metabolic syndrome are linked to diseases. Metabolic syndrome greatly increases the risk of heart related diseases. In the case of metabolic syndrome related obesity visceral fat is at the heart of the cause not obesity.
One way metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed is by looking at the factors of metabolic risk that may help to self-diagnose metabolic syndrome such as the measurement around your waist.
Based on "How is Metabolic Syndrome Diagnosed?" courtesy of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Services, a large waistline with a waist measurement exceeding 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men may indicate you have metabolic syndrome. In Japan, 35 inches and 33 inches are used, respectfully. This may indicate that Japanese men may have smaller waist than women.
Other methods used to diagnose metabolic syndrome having high triglyceride levels, low "good" cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and high fasting blood sugar. Satisfying any two of the above including having large waistline measurements may indicate metabolic syndrome. Overweight people with high blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure are at the highest risk of metabolic syndrome. If you think that you may be at risk of metabolic syndrome, please come into contact with a local physician for examination.
When is it time for diet support?
People that make the best use of physician assisted weight loss are those who have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome or forms of lifestyle disease. However, for overweight people dealing with pain associated with being overweight that have tried dieting and failed assisted weight loss may be the diet support you need to come on top.
Diet support unlike conventional treatment doesn't just cure you. What it aims to do is nail down the source greatly reducing recurring issues such as gaining weight back. Although compared to other approaches it may take time for specialized staff and onsite medical professionals to find out what what's wrong, compared to stand alone weight loss, and there is said to be less stress associated with losing weight.
Treatments used by diet support to meet your weight loss needs include, guidance in your diet, exercise therapy, medicine specialized to help you lose weight, and behavioral among many other techniques that assisted weight loss professionals use to literally strip the fat off your back. Rumors have it that come treatments involve cosmetic surgery.
Weight loss surgery
Many physician assisted weight loss centers offer weight loss surgery to patients who are either morbidly obese or just can't lose weight. This sort of treatment method is known to help dodge complication such as diabetes while trying to lose weight.
There are in fact very strict requirements that patients have to meet before going on with the procedure. That is why weight loss surgery is not to lose weight but instead to protect the wellbeing of obese people.
If you believe you are eligible for weight loss surgery, please contact the nearest assisted weight loss center for more details.