At the intersection between love and weight loss is how falling in love may help you lose weight. At the heart of this weight loss phenomenon are the changes that occur in your body when you fall in love. What are these changes exactly? - I'll just say they are hormonal.
Falling in love makes you lose weight
For women, the day you fall in love is a reawakening into whatever it takes to get pretty. The reason way a women is most beautiful in love isn't due to their undying motive to land the man and keep him. NO!
When you fall in love your body changes for the better making it easier to lose weight and land the man of your dreams if losing weight is what it takes. Let's hope that it's long term.
Being able to control your appetite and having motivation to lose weight are only a few of the benefits you get out of falling in love. The rest is using your relationship to help you lose weight.
Falling in love is the best motivation to lose weight!
When in love, dopamine levels shoot up in your brain making you feel happier. The reason why your heart starts beating faster making you feel more alive while in love is because of dopamine.
The benefit of feeling better about yourself with dopamine is that it can be used when trying to lose weight for motivation. For people who feel they haven't had the best of luck with diet and exercise, falling in love first may give you the dopamine you need to be more motivated when trying to lose weight.
There is more to benefits from when you fall in love than asking being more motivated such as being able to display special powers and turning into a sponge for self-improvement.
Being in love helps you burn fat faster!? - Burning fat
Another philosophy of falling in love is that it helps boost norepinephrine. As you know already or are just about to find out, norepinephrine helps you burn fat faster turning fat into energy that can be metabolized by your body more efficiently.
Being in love sends help your body get the norepinephrine it needs to burn fat more efficiently.
What happens to your hormones when you fall in love?
The same hormones present when you are feeling uneasy about how things are going to work out in your relationship or otherwise nervous about something is phenethylamine. It could be even called, "The Love Hormone!"
PEA multiplies the effect of dopamine in your body while working to suppress your appetite, and increase fat burning efficiency. It is said to be an active ingredient in some weight loss solutions.
Like PEA and falling in love, other facets of your lifestyle affect your ability to lose weight. One of those facets is sleeping. Getting enough sleep at night affects your sleep hormones.