The thing dieters worry most about is if their diet is going to rebound. The thought that all of the time and energy you put into losing weight and getting fit, evaporating into thin are is troubling, diet rebound. How this happens may change from person to person; however, there are common flaws that all people who have suffered from their diet rebounding share, whether they like it are not.
4 Vices That Diet Rebounders Have In Common
- No target
- Giving up
- Over stressing
- Trying to lose too much weight too fast
By avoiding these 4 points, it is more than likely that your diet won't rebound. So, you may be asking, what measures need to be taken? Continue reading and you too can have your diet be rebound free.
No target equals no drive
Without setting concrete goals like, "I want to lose 10 lbs," directing your effort towards your diet, gaining momentum as you go on, is impossible. Not only is it like being blindfolded, the results is that you end up having no drive. Setting goals allows you to gain a sense of accomplishment along the way by making checkpoints and ultimately have fun with your diet.
However, similarly to not setting goals, setting unrealistic goals go hand in hand. Setting goals that prove to be unreasonable can cause you to lose a grip of reality, propelling you to start thinking, "What's the use? I'm not getting anywhere with this," having the opposite (negative) effect on your diet and exercise plan.
That is why when setting your goals, steer away from though provoking losing weight fast and be sensible, allowing slow but sure progress. That is to say, always set yourself up for sure victory.
Never give up before results
Trying to lose weight fast in your diet, not only becomes an obstacle to your health and beauty, I'm not saying it's such a good diet choice. When starting out, it's easy to have mood swings here and there, gaining weight, losing weight, and then gaining it back again. If you have felt this way, you may have been micromanaging things a little too much. As fat levels slowing begin to fall, it's important to keep in mind that real weight lose requires time. That is why it's important to remain patient, trying not to rush things.
Expecting to lose weight fast, falling victim to one of many diet and exercise fads out there, it's easy to become disappointed by not being able to get the results you originally perceived. This is what causes you to fail and eventually quit.
If you are really looking to loose weight without negatively affecting you health and beauty, then the fact that this requires time shouldn't be much of a surprise. Keeping that in mind, it is important that you don't put too much hope in immediate gains and focus on continuing toward further progress.
Vent out worked out stress
Along with eating restriction and exercise, there are various ways to go about dieting. Choosing from the assortment of diets out there, if the diet you choose isn't right for you, then stressing out is inevitable. Stress is often times the reason behind overeating and can easily lead to failure in your diet. That is why it is recommending that you find a positive way to vent.
Have you ever been stress out and suddenly started to crave something sweet? You may have heard of the serotonin, the hormone your body helping you regulate stress levels. When you are stressing out, this causes your body to use up serotonin that gives you an appetite for sweets in order to restore your serotonin levels back to normal. That is why you eating sweets when you are stress helps you calm your nerves.
In addition, serotonin plays an important rule in you feeling like you are full. When serotonin levels are low, it takes long for you to get full, which can lead to you overeating. Therefore, as you stress out (use up serotonin) it's harder to achieve the feeling of being full, causing you to overeat.
How you go about relieving stress is really up to you. Find something that can either be done alone, such as reading, or something that would require a second opinion, like conversing with a friend. Anything is game as long as it can keep your stress levels down and you from eating too many sweets.
Trying to hard to fast is like dynamite opening up shortcuts to gaining weight
It's not to say that losing weight in a short period of time isn't possible. Being different from fat, muscle mass can drop if you don't use it. Similarly, just by limited (holding down) your fluid intake, it is simple to drop weight.
However, by using these methods, your body fat doesn't change and you metabolism slows down, making it easier to gain weight afterwards. That is why it's important not to confuse losing weight with slimming down.
Weight is not always the best indicator to tell you you've lost weight. For example, let's say you lose weight as result of losing muscle mass. In this case, when you rebound, the weight that was associated with muscle mass gets turned into fat. This is not slimming down. All that is achieved is that your metabolism decreases (as a result of decreased muscle mass) making it harder to burn off calories.

As indicated above, weight loss was achieved by lowering your muscle, fat, and fluids, water weight. At the time, you might feel like you've done yourself some good. However, when you rebound, the result is that you only get fatter. Fat is easy to put on than muscle and after losing so much muscle mass you body can only start to start away fat. Although an extreme case, it goes to demonstrate the potential affects (diet) shortcuts have on your body.
Don't cheat yourself. Do it the right way, planning, giving you body time to adjust to the remarkable changes that you are giving to it.
How to keep your diet from failing
Although there are many ways to go about keeping your diet afloat, we're focusing avoiding those common to rebounding. Keep you diet from rebounding ever again, by following these easy to follow points.
Ways to avoid diet failure (rebounding)
- Set a goal (preferably that is reasonable)
- Don't focus on short term gains (look at results in the long term)
- Find effect ways to vent of stress
- Don't take (diet and exercise) shortcuts