Take Everything in Moderation for Healthy Living
A balanced and healthy lifestyle is one where we learn how to eat in moderation. Same could be said for anything in life, pretty much. Everything in moderation is a key phrase that should be a part of everyone’s vocabulary, because without moderation we live in excess. An excess of anything is unhealthy for both the body and mind. Most of the products we consume are wasteful and unnecessary for our survival as a species.

In order to live a life of moderation we must remember to limit our exposure to certain things. If we can enjoy the many good things that life has to offer in moderation, we won’t feel guilty about it afterward. Not everything that feels good has to be bad. But too much good stuff actually can be bad for us and history attests to this.
Limit These Things in Your Life and Take Everything in Moderation in Order to Enjoy a Longer and Healthier Life
Not taking everything in moderation could lead to addiction or worse. Learn to curb your habits and limit your behaviors and benefit immediately.
1. Electronics
Everything in moderation certainly applies to the latest gadgets. Next time you think about buying something you don’t need, keep in mind that you are basically just a guinea pig for the large corporations. We are testing out their products without any idea of the harmful effects they can have on us, like cell phone radiation, for example. Limit your exposure to electronics at all costs.
Social Media
Don’t be that person, who is attached by the hip to social media. If the majority of your daily interactions are taking place online, your social needs aren’t truly being met. It is recommended to use social media only as an outlet to meet with people in real life or catching up with old friends. Use with caution.
2. Sugar
If you don’t consume sugar in moderation, your body won’t thank you for it later. There are many health risks associated with having added sugar in your diet. Even going as far as cutting your soda or desert intake to once per day can do a lot of good.
3. Sitting
Who knew that the simple act of sitting down and relaxing could be so bad for your health? We humans are active creatures that require constant motion to be functioning at one hundred percent. Sitting in one place too long is bad for your health and your posture. Humans weren’t designed to always be sitting. If you are required to sit in a chair for long periods of time, take frequent breaks.
4. Chemicals
There are harmful chemicals in many products we use daily. Look up some of the ingredients that you use for cleaning and food preparation and you may find some hazardous ones that aren’t good for your health if you are exposed constantly. Take everything in moderation when dealing with man-made products because the long-term effects of using them still aren’t fully understood.
5. Fast Food
If half of the American population truly understood what they were eating these days, people could prevent hundreds of thousands of premature deaths every year. Fast food is not real food, it’s just imitation food. It’s designed to taste good at the expense of doing what food is supposed to do; give you fuel and provide you the nutrients required to survive. Some people believe that fast food should be eliminated completely. Opt for nutrition over convenience.
6. Ultraviolet Rays
Sunlight is vital to our health, in moderation. It has a way of making us happy and being outside regularly is what you should do. Just as with anything else, too much can be harmful. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can burn your skin and kill your healthy skin cells. Prevent skin cancer with use of sunblock and limit your exposure to thirty minutes at a time.
7. Relaxation
Can too much relaxing time actually be a bad thing? Studies have shown that the happiest people on earth are those who live busy lifestyles. Relaxation time isn’t special if you never spend your time productively. Relaxing should be practiced in moderation to motivate you to work harder in the meantime. Having nothing to do all the time gets boring very quickly.
8. Physical Exercise
Exercise is one of the greatest things you can do for your health regularly. You should set aside time every day to get your heart in motion and your blood pumping. However, you don’t want to overwork your muscles or you could do more harm to your body than good. Overworking your muscles commonly leads to injury. Know when to give your body a rest and take everything in moderation.
9. Stress
Too much stress can diminish the quality of your life, while a little bit of stress can actually be good for you. Good stress keeps us on our toes and expecting the unexpected. Relaxation should be done in moderation, as well as the management of your stress levels. If you feel like the weight of the world is too much, take a break to alleviate the stress that has been building up.
10. Showers and Baths
Having a bath can be a spiritual experience when done in moderation. Just remember the golden rule: when your fingers start pruning, it’s time to get out. Too much hot water and steam can dry our skin and rob our scalp of its natural oils. We all deserve a long shower once in a while; just don’t make it a regular habit. Do your part in saving water and don’t contribute to a future drought.
11. Thinking
If you are one who tends to overthink everything, find ways to calm your mind. The long-term effects of ruminating in your thoughts are bad for your health. The world is a happier place when you can live and let go. Learn to forgive others and see everything in a positive light. This is a helpful way to get rid of your thinking habit and remember: everything in moderation.