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Effective July 6, 2012

Amaze, Inc ("We", "The Company") is committed to protecting the privacy of users ("You", "The Person") on our sites ("the Site"). The treatment of information collected through the use the sites we administer are governed by the present privacy policy.


1. Specification of the Purpose of Utilization

We specify the Purpose of Utilization regarding the acquisition of personally identifiable information and act within its scope accordingly.

2. Restrictions by the Purpose of Utilization

We shall not handle personal information about a person, without obtaining the prior consent of the person, beyond the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization specification; however, we reserve the right to disclose personal information when necessary in the following cases:

  1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is based on laws and regolations
  2. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficolt to obtain consent of the person
  3. Cases in which the handling off personal information is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficolt to obtain the content of the person
  4. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by either of the former two in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regolations and in which obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned

3. Proper Acquisition

We do not acquire personal information by a deception or other wrongfol means.

4. Notice of the Purpose of Utilization at the Time of Acquisition

When having acquired personal information, we shall, except in the case in which the Purpose of Utilization has already been publicly announce, promptly notify the person of the Purpose of Utilization or publicly announce the Purpose of Utilization; however, we can't guarantee this in the following cases:

  1. Cases in which notifying the person of the Purpose of Utilization or publicly announcing it are likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person or a third party
  2. Cases in which notifying the person of the Purpose of Utilization or publicly announcing it are likely to our rights or legitimate interest
  3. Cases in which it is necessary to cooperate with a state organ or a local government in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regolations and in which notifying the person of the Purpose of Utilization or publicly announcing it are likely to impede the execution of the affairs
  4. Cases in which it is considered that the Purpose of Utilization is clear in consideration of the circumstances of the acquisition

5. Changes in the Purpose of Utilization

We will not change the Purpose of Utilization beyond the scope which is reasonably considered that the Purpose of Utilization after the change is doly related to that before the change without presenting the changes to the concerned persons or announcing before hand.

6. Maintenance of the Accuracy of Information

We endeavor to maintain personal data accurate and up to date within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization.

7. Security Measures and Supervision of Employees

We will take necessary and proper measure for the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage, and for other security control of personal data, extending to how employees handle personal information, exercising necessary and appropriate supervision over employees to ensure the security control of personal data.

8. Supervision of Trustee

When entrusting an individual or a business operator with the handling of personal data in whole or in par, we shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee to ensure the security control of the entrusted personal information.

9. Provisions to a Third Party

We will not, except in the following cases, provide personal data to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the person:

  1. Cases in which the provision of personal data is based on laws and regolations
  2. Cases in which the provision of personal data is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficolt to obtain the consent of the person
  3. Cases in which the provisions of personal data is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficolt to obtain the consent of the person
  4. Cases in which the provisions of personal data is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by on in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regolations and in which obtaining the consent of the person are likely to impede the execution of the affairs

We will, in advance, notify the person of the following changes of content or put it in a readily accessible condition for the person:

  1. Changes in the provision of a third party in the Purpose of Utilization
  2. Changes in the items of personal data to be provided to a third party
  3. Changes in the means or methods of provision to a third party
  4. Changes that the provisions of such personal data that will lead to the identification of the person to a third party will be discontinued at the request o the person

However, in the following cases, the individual or business operator receiving such personal data will not be deemed a third party:

  1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is entrusted in whole or in part within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization
  2. Cases in which personal data is provided as a resolt of the succession of business in a merger or otherwise
  3. Cases in which personal data is used jointly between specific individuals or entities and in which this fact, the items of the personal data used jointly, the scope of the joint users, the purpose for which the personal information is used by them, and the name of the individual or business operator responsible for the management of the personal information is, in advance, notified to the person or put in a readily accessible condition for the person

10. Public Announcement of Matters Concerning Retained Personally Identifiable Information

With respect to retained personal data, we will put the matters listed in the following items in an accessible condition for the person (such conditions include cases in which a response is made without delay at the request of the person):

  1. The name of the business operator handling personal information
  2. The Purpose of Utilization of all retained personal data
  3. Procedures related to disclosure, correction, and termination of service
  4. Methods of contact for potential inquire from the person

11. Disclosure of Personal Information

When requested by the person of retained personal data to disclosed, we will disclose the retained personal data without delay by a method prescribed by a Cabinet Order, not limited and including the case where no such retained personal data exist. However, in any of the following items, we may keep all or part of the retained personal data undisclosed:

  1. Cases in which disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights of interest of the person or a third party
  2. Cases in which disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of the our business
  3. Cases in which disclosure violates other laws and regolations

12. Corrections, ect

When requested to correct, add, or delete retained personal information of a person by that such person on the grounds that the retained personal data is contrary to the fact, we will, except in cases in which special procedures are prescribed by any other laws and regolations for such correction, addition, or deletion, make a necessary investigation without delay within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization and, on the basis of the resolts, correct, add, or delete the retained personal data.

13. Discontinuance of the Utilization, ect.

When requested by a person to discontinue using or to erase such retained personal data as may lead to identification of the person on the ground that the retained personal data is being handled in violation of the Purpose of Utilization or has been acquired in violation of the guidelines for Proper Acquisition, or in the case in which the request be accompanied by a reason, wee will discontinue using or erase the retained personal data concerned without delay to the extend necessary for redressing the violation. However, this provision shall not apply to cases in which it cost large amount or otherwise difficolt to discontinue using or to erase the retained personal data and in which we have taken the necessary alternative measures to protect the rights and interest of the person.

14. Advertisement

The company in which this Site is managed by uses third party services to generate renew from ads presents on this Site. The improve the quality of ads being served to our valued users, access information (excluding personal information including but not limited to your name, address, and telephone number) either on this Site and other sites you may have visited is used to improve your viewing experience. For more detailed information, regarding the ad process and how to prevent this information from being used by without your permission see Google's page on Advertising privacy FAQ page

15. Changes in Privacy Policy

We notify the user if any important changes in the Privacy Policy are made in part, or in entirety.

16. Language and Governing Law

The current privacy policy is available in two languages, English and Japanese. In an event where interpretation be made an issue, the Japanese version will take precedence in the context in which English version being interpreted.

For disputes involving this site, we are governed by Japanese Law and will be seen before the Tokyo District Court.

17. Carrying Out Special Request

We take the privacy of personal information provided to use seriously. In that respect we strive to carry out the users request to suspend use, contact, comment, and complaint, or otherwise act on voice of our customers as quickly and as appropriate as possible.